Busting the myth that 1200 calories is enough



  • Sizethree4Ever
    Sizethree4Ever Posts: 120 Member
    The problem with 1200 calories though is that there's no where else to go.....it's not sustainable long term which is why inevitably people that sustain on that level usually gain much back. If your set point is 2000 or 2500 calories and you start eating more and gain....isn't it much easier to start eating at 2,500 calories again versus 1,200? Always better to have a higher base metabolic rate.

    No, they gain it back, because as do many, many people after they get to their goal, they start eating way above their maintenance levels.

    THIS is why they gain weight after reaching their goal, nothing to do with 1200 calories.

    This !!!

    After I`ve reached my goal, I went back eating how I used to eat before. Since than, I`ve learned about maintenance calories, so I`m going to do it differently this time.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    ...I give a lot of credit to people who eat 1200 calories. I would be angry and hungry all day long if I did that but hey.."to each their own"...

    I just took a curious peak at your open diary and despite I usually eat 1200 - 1300 calories a day, I'd say I would truly be hungry on *your* food input. Seems it consists of quite a bit of protein powder. I've had meat/cheese lasagna and eggplant parma for dinner and am now having a late-nite snack of an omelet with chicken, cheese, and peppers. I don't go hungry, am rarely angry ;), always satisfied with my delicious meals.

    I actually find this to be the case often when I read diaries of those who explain they pity others who eat a bit less (I mean, you're eating what? 1500?).

    Wow , you sure do like to take a look at peoples diaries, but I don't see yours open? What are you trying to hide? The fact that 1200 calories comes from your 1 meal? Yeah hon, I don't believe that you'd be hungry on my diet. Yes it consists of a high protein, but protein is what you need in order to stay full. You need a healthy amount of fats as well as carbs for energy.

    so you go right ahead and eat your chicken parm or whatever crap you like to stuff your face with. Good luck on your weight loss journey...grandma

    Opened my diary, nothing to hide here. But than again I'm not making claims that other's are hangry or under nourished. Nope, I don't eat one meal daily ;), and yea, I'm a grandmother ~ was that meant to be some kind of insult??

    What would make you reply with nastiness like "whatever crap I stuff my face with"? SMH :noway: . Simply because I questioned how would your couple/few hundred more calories prevent 1200/day'ers from sustaining weight loss? As I suggested, that could be simple as couple pieces of buttered toast to bring my calories up to yours ~ doesn't seem all that dramatic to cause high risk to gain in maintenance.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Oh look! Another one of these threads where we all pretend to be nutritionist and doctors about a freaking arbitrary number.

    1300 calories=ok
    1200 = oh****no... Starvation siren starts going off, metabolism police drop ropes and come down from the ceiling with 2 tons of protein bars and a Jillian michaels 30 day shred program. Dr. Oz busts through the front door...all while 1200 calorie poster who is actually 5'1 and naturally petite is crying in the corner while thisisthinprivilege bloggers are throwing their snickers bar wrappers in her face telling her what a pos she is.

    I love these threads.

    Me too and you are right. I'm one of those short older females.
    My doctor, yeah the one who went to medical school and has the degrees and license and practices medicine, told me to eat between 1000 to 1200 calories a day.

    If I eat 1200 calories of junk, sure I will feel like I am starving because those things have no nutritional value. I could do the Krispy Kreme diet and lose weight but would probably feel like crap because I am not getting the nutrients I need.

    When I eat real unprocessed foods like meat, eggs, fish, fresh veggies and fruit; I find it very hard sometimes to even get to 1200 calories a day. I am so stuffed from eating I feel kind of sick.

    I certainly didn't get fat by eating 1200 healthy calories a day.

    I'm going to listen to my doctor over all the arm chair experts on the interwebs.

    What do you consider to be a nutrient? I would like to know what foods have none.
  • jalloggio
    jalloggio Posts: 141
    "Opened my diary, nothing to hide here. But than again I'm not making claims that other's are hangry or under nourished. Nope, I don't eat one meal daily ;), and yea, I'm a grandmother ~ was that meant to be some kind of insult??

    What would make you reply with nastiness like "whatever crap I stuff my face with"? SMH noway . Simply because I questioned how would your couple/few hundred more calories prevent 1200/day'ers from sustaining weight loss? As I suggested, that could be simple as couple pieces of buttered toast to bring my calories up to yours ~ doesn't seem all that dramatic to cause high risk to gain in maintenance. ""

    What you seem to be not looking at is the consistent balance of Jules's Diet. Macro breakdown and calories. Sure her calories are only a few hundred higher and yes (a piece of buttered toast can get you closer to her calorie intake), but with all due respect how are you surviving with only 40-80 grams of carbs a day?

    Carbohydrates are what gives you your energy, honestly myself (and Jules) would probably pass out with that little bit of carbs. You seem to be on a very restrictive diet which has been proven many times to be counter productive.

    I could go on and on, but why not look up your proper macronutrient breakdown for your age weight and activity level? Oh and yes Jules and I do splurge every now and then. When you eat IIFYM we can still eat things like chicken parm, omelets etc.

    You came across as very judgmental in your first post which is prob what brought on the backlash.

    Best of luck
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    "And off topic - I find it funny how people have to create new accounts in order to say things that they don't dare say on their real account. Carry on...."

    Oh! Is this why I see "account deactivated" when I try to to check the profile of some odd response? I am sooooo clueless :)
  • toriforte
    toriforte Posts: 8 Member
    Many people struggle with carbs. If you eat lower in carbs (40-80 is not unreasonably low), you can eat higher levels of healthy fats, which provide energy in place of carbs. This is especially helpful for people with diabetes or insulin resistance. We don't all have the same bodies and need different things for weight loss to be successful. Can't we all just get along? LOL!
  • barbie3000
    barbie3000 Posts: 73 Member
    I had the same epiphany as a lurker on a different site. I was beginning to drink the koolaid that my bum thyroid was keeping me fat. The poster who changed my life doesn't know I exist but 3 simple sentences flipped a switch in my brain: "No one violates the first law of thermodynamics. If you're in a deficit, you lose. If you're in a surplus, you gain." That day I dug out my food scale, figured out my TDEE and saw the scale start moving downwards instead of up for the first time in a decade.

    ^^ Word.

    ** Sorry all -- first time trying to paste somebody else's response and it didn't work properly.
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    honestly everyone is different!

    This is ridiculous. every time I come on the message boards someone is bad mouthing 1200 calories.

    Honestly as long as you are NETTING 1200 calories a day. Its not a big deal. I do not support eating 500, 600 calories a day, that is stupid.

    I KNOW how horrible it is to not eat enough. and how it feels to not eat.

    Now being fully recovered, I am satisfied with my 1250 I eat a day. and I eat ALL my exercise calories back, It helps me with portion control, and just eating better in general.

    before you go bashing someone, everyone is dfferen't. EVERY BODY is dfferen't, and no one is the same... deal with it.

    Everybody is different. What works for me does not necessarily work somebody else. If the person is happy and feel good with full of energy with 1200 cal diet then be it. Personnally i can't go under 1600-1700 cause i will feel HUNGRY and DEPRIVED. But that is what works for me. Some people would say it is too much,but not for me...
  • Some days I feel like I'm absolutely starving on 1200 calories and start getting mouth ulcers...... I need to fill up more with veges.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Very powerful message there but I have to agree 1200 is too low...so I have been upping it and working out but not enough to kill me but enough to make a healthy lifestyle change.
  • Maeleemooka
    Maeleemooka Posts: 19 Member
    'Gramma'? Watch your rude mouth. Once you spew that kind of rubbish no one listens.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    Oh look! Another one of these threads where we all pretend to be nutritionist and doctors about a freaking arbitrary number.

    1300 calories=ok
    1200 = oh****no... Starvation siren starts going off, metabolism police drop ropes and come down from the ceiling with 2 tons of protein bars and a Jillian michaels 30 day shred program. Dr. Oz busts through the front door...all while 1200 calorie poster who is actually 5'1 and naturally petite is crying in the corner while thisisthinprivilege bloggers are throwing their snickers bar wrappers in her face telling her what a pos she is.

    I love these threads.

    There is so much awesome in this response.
  • bekkyhadley
    bekkyhadley Posts: 15 Member
    Oh look! Another one of these threads where we all pretend to be nutritionist and doctors about a freaking arbitrary number.

    1300 calories=ok
    1200 = oh****no... Starvation siren starts going off, metabolism police drop ropes and come down from the ceiling with 2 tons of protein bars and a Jillian michaels 30 day shred program. Dr. Oz busts through the front door...all while 1200 calorie poster who is actually 5'1 and naturally petite is crying in the corner while thisisthinprivilege bloggers are throwing their snickers bar wrappers in her face telling her what a pos she is.

    I love these threads.

    Me too and you are right. I'm one of those short older females.
    My doctor, yeah the one who went to medical school and has the degrees and license and practices medicine, told me to eat between 1000 to 1200 calories a day.

    If I eat 1200 calories of junk, sure I will feel like I am starving because those things have no nutritional value. I could do the Krispy Kreme diet and lose weight but would probably feel like crap because I am not getting the nutrients I need.

    When I eat real unprocessed foods like meat, eggs, fish, fresh veggies and fruit; I find it very hard sometimes to even get to 1200 calories a day. I am so stuffed from eating I feel kind of sick.

    I certainly didn't get fat by eating 1200 healthy calories a day.

    I'm going to listen to my doctor over all the arm chair experts on the interwebs.

    The bolded bit above..... says a hell of a lot and I suspect that all those that "tried" the 1200 calories per day but decided they were unable to stick to it, ate a lot of junk - this left them hungry and unable to continue with this method of weightloss. Then to appease themselves and their conscience, they hack into anybody that does do the 1200 AND succeeds.

    1200 calories per day, if anybody is going to do this, ensure you eat lots of protein - that will fill you up, eat nutritious stuff - that will fulfill your macros, IF you have any calories left over, THEN you can go for your treats, sweets, rubbish and any other crap you wish to stuff into your body.

    If you CANNOT sustain or manage such a weightloss program, nobody is going to think any the less of you at all, but please, for the Love of God, leave those of us alone that ARE succeeding with such a method, because this is getting beyond tiresome.

    It works for me, if I eat over 1200 then it's because I'm having a greedy moment not because I'm hungry! I've only been doing this for around 2 months and it did take me the first 2-3 weeks to get the hang of it, to learn what foods were best, and learn to say no. but now I'm on the right track and I'm going just fine.

    1200 per day can be done and why does it get everyones knickers in a twist why it doesn't suit them? I did the 5:2 and hated it, but I don't go around preaching at everyone who does it and succeeds. I tried to just 'eat clean' and denied myself all my favourite junk food but I hated it but once again I don't go preaching at everyone who does it and succeeds.

    Build a bridge and get over it.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Losing weight on 1200 calories isn't a problem for most people. KEEPING the weight off is hard b/c most people can't eat 1200 calories daily for life. As evidenced by people who say something like "I know it works b/c that's how I've lost thirty pounds 10,639 times." It boggles my mind that someone can't see that something doesn't "work" if you have to keep fixing the same problem over and over and over. Then again I'm a reformed disordered yo-yoer and it took me about 25 years to get this so who am I to judge?

    The same thing happens to people who follow a 1300, 1500, or 2000 calorie diet too.
    They overeat repeatedly over time. They gain it back. It is just the 1200 calorie people.

    Stop it with your logic! Everyone knows that low carb diets are bad because people oftentimes regain the weight they lost and 1200 calorie diets are bad because people also often regain the weight they lost. Nevermind that the vast majority of people that lose a substantial amount of weight regain the weight they lost - that's irrelevant! Sarcasm aside, it never ceases to amaze me how some people think that by taking certain actions today, they will somehow influence the actions they will take at some point in the future. The notion that following one diet instead of another or calling what you eat a "lifestyle change" will somehow influence your future behavior is laughable, yet it permeates weight loss communities.

    All that said, I would say that more people eat 1200 calorie diets than need to/should, but I will say that there's nothing wrong with a 1200 calorie diet for some people. I don't think you can say it's right or wrong as a general matter, and it really comes down to the individual and their specific circumstances. Rather than focusing on what's right and wrong and what method of cutting they can "sustain for the rest of their life", I personally think people should just focus on what works and (equally important) what is sustainable for them - and don't be afraid to make changes going forward.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Well not really, this is my third flipping time doing 1200 calories, the first time I lost 33lbs, the second time 41lbs, and now this time.

    I put weight back on because of my abyssmal lack of control for eating crap LOL!

    I never regretted before and I don't this time :)

    Well hey, third time's a charm eh?

    No regrets, YOLO!
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Dunno, if it were me and I kept putting back on all the weight I'd lost, I'd be thinking it might be an idea to try something different next time. In fact, I did do that lol. Mistakes are there to be learned from.
    What have you got to lose by eating more than 1200? It might mean you find it much easier to stick to it and enjoy it more, have more energy for workouts etc and keep the weight off longer term next time around. And, I'd say probably less likely to feel the need to binge as your body is not screaming at you for food it probably actually needs to function.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I thought this article was very interesting and insightful.


    Well I am not sorry I am on 1200 calories per day, do running, some weights and work fulltime. I am not sorry that I am losing weight. I am not sorry that I feel full of energy. I am not sorry that I eat 100% better than I used to when I ate many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many calories.

    I am not sorry.

    That is all I have to say really....

    I am not sorry.


    you probably will be eventually :flowerforyou:
    good luck on your journey.

    Well not really, this is my third flipping time doing 1200 calories, the first time I lost 33lbs, the second time 41lbs, and now this time.

    I put weight back on because of my abyssmal lack of control for eating crap LOL!

    I never regretted before and I don't this time :)

    Don't you think you might have better control if you didn't deprive yourself and ate more?

    I DID eat more, hence why I put the weight back on.
    i wonder if this person ever ended up keeping their weight off with a 1200 cal diet, would be interesting to see since obviously they didnt see what was wrong with this picture in the first place

    on an unrelated note WHO BUMPED THE ZOMBIE THREAD
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    My Inspirations
    •My husband and son
    •being healthy-especially with my asthma
    •not let my belly control my life anymore
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member

    Mmmmm cookies......:ohwell:

    My Inspirations
    •My husband and son
    •being healthy-especially with my asthma
    •not let my belly control my life anymore

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Come on people, use your brains. 1200 calories is enough for a small woman. And if you eat your exercise calories back it's all good. I hate it when both sides make pronouncements without qualifiers. :grumble: