Looking for MFP encouragement!

Happy Labor Day!

I'm looking for MFP "friends" to help keep me accountable as I work on losing 39 pounds. I had gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago, have maintained a loss of 180 pounds, but regained 60 lbs over the past 2 years (oral steroids for an autoimmune condition). Since May, I have lost 35 of those extra pounds. I'm tracking all food on MFP, getting 80+ oz of water in daily, and working out daily.

If you have snack suggestions (high protein, lower fat, lower carb) or workouts, please share!



  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Hey there! I'm also looking to lose 30-ish pounds. I joined MFP several years ago and went from 180 to 125, but then life happened and I've yo-yo'ed around a bit. I've been back on MFP for 2 weeks again and already about 10 lbs down. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm afraid I'm not a great source for tips as I'm still figuring out what works for me. But I enjoy hiking, biking, and pilates when I get motivated to move!