Advice for breakfast

flannan Posts: 45 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Newbie needs help with what I should be eating for breakfast.
Before I joined I ate about 1/2 cup of dry Aurora vanilla granola (100cal)& 2 cups of coffee.
I am just learning about calories etc and just read about going into starvation mode if you don't
eat enough calories. I am assuming they should be the 'right' kind of calories though. I am also a junk food eater so am now fighting cravings the past week.
I read that it's best to eat a bigger breakfast to start your metabolism.
I eat at work ( hospital caf) so I can get fruit, eggs, pancakes, meat, lots of choices.
I'm not sure what the 'right' calories are to eat for breakfast.
What should I eat?


  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I love cereal - shredded wheat with 2% milk! It's my favorite breakfast, and it's quick. Others do yogurt and granola, boiled egg whites, fruit - the choices are unlimited! I find myself looking at other people's food diaries just out of curiosity to see what they're eating for various meals. That might help too.
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    How do u look at other people's diaries?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    For me, I get my total calories and macros for the day and divide it by how many meals I have. This gives me cals, p/c/f for each meal. Then I work from there.

    Typical breakfast for me used to be oats, half scoop protein powder, cinnamon and tspn honey.

    Now I am having 2 eggs with 2 egg whites and will be doing various things either scrabled, omelette etc. with stuff like asparagus, ham etc

    Stay clear of high sugar cereals. Look for low GI foods as they keep you full longer. You should also try a get a decent amount of protein as this keeps you full as well.

    Muesli and yoghurt is another good choice.

    If you are going to have bread make it a Low GI one.

    Hope that helps :)
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    one simple change eggs ask for egg whites instead 70 calories with yolk 17 with out which means more calories for more food :bigsmile: 5 egg whites = 85 cal
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    If it's visible to others, you can click their thumbnail pictuer to see their profile. Beside the 2 buttons "Send Message" and "Add as Friend," there will be "View Diary" if they've made it viewable to others.

    Also, oatmeal is another good breakfast, perhaps with a boiled egg white or 2. I've done that before. This morning was scrambled southwest egg beaters wrapped in a medium tortilla.
  • dorwade
    dorwade Posts: 21 Member
    I try to eat protein and carbs from whole grains, skim milk and sometimes a bit of fresh fruit. Fruit (especially berries, lower in sugar than some other fruits) with eggs would be a good choice If you have to watch your cholesterol try getting scrambled egg whites or egg white omelets made with lots of veggies, if that is an option in the cafeteria. Pancakes and berries with a little bit of sugar-free syrup might work also. Do they have whole wheat or multi-grain pancakes? I'd stay away from the meats, maybe a little ham every once in a while. Bacon and sausage would be way too high in fat for my daily goals. What about oatmeal? Whole wheat toast? Yogurt? Especailly Greek yogurt---much higher in protein than regular. Good luck!
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    Hi & welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I am not a breakfast person, so this is the meal that I have always struggled with. If I wait til my body says, "you're hungry," I typically will throw off the entire day's schedule for meals. When I mentioned this dilemma to my health coach, she suggested smoothies. I can have it when I'm hungry (9:30-10:00am) and not ruin my day. Also, you can hide things like spinach in fruit smoothies, giving yourself a WONDERFUL serving of leafy greens, and never even taste it.

    Here's my favorite recipe (available in the database; soon to be added to the recipes):

    1 cup frozen strawberries
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries
    1 banana
    1/2 cup almond milk (you can use regular)
    1 cup fresh baby spinach

    This recipe makes about 2 cups. It's fast, healthy, and delicious! Feel free to substitute any frozen fruit in this recipe & enjoy!

    Paige :happy:
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Eggs and fruit are a great choice for breakfast, :) Have to be a bit careful with eggs at cafeterias though depending on how they cook it. Some cook it with whole milk and lots of butter. At least here they do. >.< Maybe some whole wheat toast?
    I'll be having the same problem soon. I'll have to rely on cafeteria food for the next year. The last time I ate at this cafeteria I got the scrambled eggs, a piece of toast and a banana. Held me over till lunch.
    Another good option is cereal or oatmeal if they have it.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    my three fav breakfest's are

    100 cal bagel with 1 tbsn cream cheses 2 slices of small tomotate and half of babna or a couple of strawberries or a few grapes

    1 packet oatmeal and a piece of toast


    1 container yogurt, 3 med strawberries, and 4 tspns glazed walnuts from fresh gormet.

    I also eat ceral, eggs and sausage, and potatoes (in right portions) but the top three are my favorite mon-fri at work
  • my favorite as of now is 1 container yo plus yoplait vanilla yogurt over fresh sliced strawberries and raspberries!
  • fierroday
    fierroday Posts: 11 Member
    I like greek yogurts. They can be non-fat and are thick & filling and usually have more protein than regular yogurts. Cut up some fruit and a half serving of low fat granola with it. / Kashi heart-to-heart instant oatmeal is filling and has less sodium than other brands / Frosted mini-wheats with vanilla soy milk / whole grain toast slice (Peppridge Farm 15 grain) with one scrambled egg.

    If you're still hungry, add a banana or other fruit to any breakfast. Hope that helps! :) Jenni
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    I'm a firm believer in whole grains, so my breakfast always includes them. "White carbs" just make me hungry, but whole grains satisfy and take a while to metabolize. Sugars are the worst!! unless they're natural, such as we get from fresh fruit.

    So, I have several breakfasts to chose from that keep me on track.

    1. 1 cup 100% whole grain, unsweetened cereal [or almost unsweetened] with skim milk and berries or peaches. It really satisfies and doesn't leave me quaking with hunger. Say NO to any cereal with over 6 g. of sugar per serving.

    2. A breakfast sandwich with 1 egg, turkey sausage patty, a low carb WW english muffin or WW pita or WW toast.

    3. A fruit and yogurt smoothie.. no fat, no added sugar.

    4. 6 oz. Greek no fat yogurt with 1 cup fresh fruit and a tbsp. of chopped nuts, or 1/4 cup muesli

    5. Ezekiel Sesame bread.. toasted, with 2 tbsp natural, no sugar peanut butter or one boiled egg, sliced, 1 serving of fresh fruit.

    I think some kind of breakfast is essential !!

    Oh, did I mention coffee? After some foolish scares about coffee being bad for us, all the latest science says it's actually good for us, within reason. So, for me, every morning... I drink 2 cups of the best fresh ground coffee I can make. I buy terrific beans in bulk at Costco... grind them every morning, and make my beautiful coffee fresh every morning. It only takes minutes, but is such a treat! Good coffee.. fresh brewed [drip] coffee... only.
  • teneuse
    teneuse Posts: 4 Member
    Another vote for Greek yogurt - I love the Fage 2% with strawberry (it's like eating a dessert, but so much healthier), but people tend to like one brand over the others depending on preferences for creaminess and tartness. The "with strawberry" part adds some unnecessary sugar, so if you aren't into sweets, you could easily pair plain Greek yogurt with some fruit and granola, and maybe a touch of honey.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Banana Smoothie!! Bananas & water = high energy pumping all day long. Breakfast should be jam packed with easily digestible foods to "break the fast" of not eating during the night. Bananas are cheap and provide fruit carbs which your body needs and your brain loves!! Kick the mood swings, get your body pumping, and fuel your brain!!
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    You've certainly given me a lot of variety to get better start with! thanks!
  • rhonda4782
    rhonda4782 Posts: 5 Member
    My favorite breakfast if Egg Muffin. I'm always afraid I will be hungry at night and not have calories to eat. This muffin is great and low calories. You can buy a muffin maker at walmart for like $3. I scramble 1-2 egg whites in it microwave for 1 minute I but 130 calorie english muffin or thin bagel and instead of cheese I put q Tbl grape jelly. So yummy
    1-2 egg whites 17-34 calories
    1 muffin 130 calories
    1tbl grape jelly 30 calories

    total breakfast 177-194 calories

    I have coffee in the morning too and sometimes if I'm really hungry I add fruit.

    Breakfast on the run for me consist of a piece of fruit and a kelloggs fiberplus bar(120 cal)
  • catchtanya
    catchtanya Posts: 15
    Im not big on breakfast either on the days I work- I have to be at work at 7am and really appreciate my sleep.

    On work days I normally have a fruit smoothie. Lately its been 1c. frozen unsweented strawberries, 1/3 cup frozen peaches and 1/2 cup frozen honeydew melon. Blended with water. (i have done previous posters addition of almond milk and spinach and shes right- cant taste the spinach!)

    I normally have the smoothie with a Tall Skinny Cinnamon Dolce from Starbucks. I get my fruit and protein in.

    On days I am off work. I like to sautee whatever veggies I have leftover from weeknight meals into an Egg White omlette
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