One step forward, two steps back

I had a tough time last week, randomly became very sad for a few days and didn't go to the gym the whole week and overate a lot. Today I ate pretty healthy and went to the gym but I feel like my bad week ruined everything I've been working on for a month and a half. It's so hard to lose weight but gaining it seems incredibly easy. I don't think I'll ever be one of those people who LOVE to workout and LOVE to eat healthy, because I do love to eat all the bad yummy things, and eat sweets, and not go to the gym. So I find it a struggle between doing what's "right"( because I really do want to get fit and healthy) and what I want to do which is eat brownies and watch a movie. This makes it hard to stay motivated sometimes, especially when results are slow too. I'm nervous that I'll do well for a long time and then stop again, like lose 10 lbs in 2 months and then get unmotivated for a week and gain it all back! Losing weight is a tough journey....