22 years old, 257 pounds and with ADD. Hi, and help?

Hi :-)

I'm a 22 year old Mum from NZ, I'm a full time student (BA) and I work a couple of days a week as a visitor host at a gallery. I have recently been diagnosed with ADD inattentive type. I need some encouragement and advice, and so this is my story and info:

When I was growing up I ate very healthily and was active. My mum used to grind her own wheat to make bread, we had farmkill meat, fresh eggs, fresh milk etc etc. Portion sizes were controlled by the fact that the only thing available except at meal times was fruit and veg. When I hit 16 and started going to high school (was homeschooled), I started eating lollies and chocolate and pies in addition to what I was served at home, and skipping breakfast. I did 2 hours of cardio a day, and that kept my weight at 67 kg until depression and anxiety hit the next year. I steadily gained 15 kg a year until last year, when my husband and I got pregnant, and I only gained 6 kg during the pregnancy because it was rough as guts. My weight 3 weeks after leaving the hospital was 124 kg. I gained that 15kg a year weight from eating irregular meals, eating things like a block of chocolate a day and packets of lollies for 4 years of my life. It was all stimulation seeking ADD eating, and now I am on meds, I am able to eat 3 meals a day without snacking. I don't have an appetite suppressant side effect with my meds but they actually work, which means that my impulse control is now at a good level, and so if I feel like chocolate, it is possible to say no now. And I do.

Thankfully because I am young, my cholesterol and blood pressure and insulin levels are all ok, even during pregnancy I didn't develop diabetes (got tested 3 times, drs couldn't believe that a fat pregnant woman was actually not diabetic).

it's been a month on meds and I have lost 7 kg. I could have lost more but I am TERRIFIED of eating too little and then screwing up my body. I've been generally eating 1500-1750 calories a day (eating back exercise calories as well) and walking briskly for 2x 30 minute sessions.

I have a lot of weight to lose. My goal is to get down to about 70-65 kg over 2-2.5 years. But I'm kind of lost on where to properly start. I read so many things, so many books and articles, but they all contradict each other and some of them sound ridiculous.

Has anyone lost a large amount of weight and actually kept it off without doing something like eating 1 egg white and 3 almonds a day?

Does anyone have an advice? Or hope?

I'm actually ok with my body, I'm hourglass and hold my weight well, but I want to minimize the risk of health complications. So this is a lifestyle change. I'm not playing roulette with yoyo dieting. My husband is 27 years older than me and so my son will already have to cope with losing one parent younger than most would. I don't want to leave him without another one....

sorry for the rambling.


  • pgamez
    pgamez Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story, I weigh 252 pounds and was recently diagnosed with an under active thyroid. I understand you being scare but we all have to start somewhere. It is great that you are doing this for you and your baby. A safe place to start is logging on and counting your calories. Ask a doctor what would work best for you and keep to that routine. I wish you luck on your journey. :)
  • vaporhockey83
    vaporhockey83 Posts: 84 Member
    I think you have the right mind set. Eating in that 1500-1700 range is perfect. Definitely do not go under 1500. The exercise sounds great as long as your body isn't giving you issues on your walks, keep it up. Just focus on a day to day basis. Have a cheat day where you can treat yourself to something "bad". Being young and starting your health adventure definitely gives you a leg up. You sound like you really have a lot of the right information, but don't be afraid of your weight loss. Sometimes it comes off quick with dietary changes. I used MFP to find something I was eating or drinking that was pushing me over my caloric intake. It's helped a lot. Stick with it...even if it's a bit slow and horrible at first. It was for me and then after one month, I had dropped about ten pounds and found myself dedicated. Not much information here, but hope it was helpful. Keep up the great work!
  • aliheinze
    aliheinze Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Charlotte,
    Your a step ahead of most of us in the US. You grew up eating healthy in the first place. I was at least 270 lbs (122.5 kg) when I graduated high school. I lost down to 190 (86 kg) in college just from walking to class (but I didn't have a kid then.) At age 28 I decided to work toward a normal BMI. For me the most important part was finding exercise that I could do and enjoyed doing. For me that was riding a bicycle. I started with a stationary and worked up to riding a regular bike to work (4 miles each way.) i also changed how my husband and i eat -more veges, more fiber, less junk, no soda or sugary drink except for special occasions, less restaurants. I gained a little back after my daughter was born a year and a half ago, and now I'm working it off. It's hard with a little one. But stay positive. Even if you don't lose what you expect to one week you'll do it next week. Don't punish yourself if you go off diet one day, just pick up the next day. For some people (myself included ) buying a new outfit in the reasonable size you want to be a thinking about how good you'll look is a good motivator. You sound like your doing good just keep going. :smile:
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    some parts of your story remind me of myself so much! I too was raised very very healthy. Three meals a day, only snacks were fruit or veg, only had junk food on holidays and restaurants were a special treat from grandma and grandpa. I was also very active until highschool. When i got into highschool i started eating a lot more junk but managed to not gain too much weight due to long walks that i would take to and from friends houses. But i started developing symptoms of depression and anxiety and the medication my doctor put me on made me gain a lot of weight. Only recently have i been starting to lose. I currently eat 1500 calories a day but my exercise.. is little. I do eventually want to improve on this although right now my main priority is portion control. So far i have lost 27lbs while dealing with the effects of depression and anxiety and their respective medications.
  • Thank you all so much for your support :-) it is very encouraging. And well done all of you!