Looking for 5 friends

Looking for 5 women friends to share the ups and downs with. Someone who has a general idea about what to eat and do but could use some encouragement or feedback on the few questionables of weightloss. Someone to encourage and be encouraged regularly. Share meal and snack ideas. Only looking for a small group to really be able to connect. I’m a homeschooling mom of 4. I know what to do for the most part but struggle with motivation and new ideas and time to get the exercise in. I think some friends to give and take push and encourage could be fun if your willing to give and recieve the encouragement. I don’t do Keto or vegan or lo carb. I eat from all the food groups and like beer and wine on occasions. I don’t eat 1200 calories.... more like 1600-1700 more if I exercise. I don’t count macros but not oppose to it. It’s simply a time crunch for now. If your interested in giving this ago message me below. We can be stronger together than Solo.