New to MyFitnessPal

Hello, I am new to myfitnesspal, I just downloaded the app three days ago and have to say that I like it so far and it has been a real eye opener for me.

A couple months ago I decided that I am tired of being fat and out of shape and wanted to do something about it. I started going to the gym regularly and have been trying to eat better ever since. As far as the gym goes, I have made some good gains in my overall fitness ability compared to what I started at, but I have a long ways to go to achieve my goals. At first my weight did not change very much until I started to "up" my workout intensity before I started seeing the scales begin to move, but I still eat like crap. This app seems to help me keep a closer eye on what I'm eating. I'm interested in learning more about nutrition and also any good advise, encouragement and tips that people can help me out with would be much appreciated.