New Kid on the Block

Hello! I had a friend turn me on to this site. She has lost 10 lbs and finds the support on here to be helpful. So I decided to give it a shot! I'm a 36 male from the Chicago Burbs. Used to be very active :( Excuses have gotten in the way to getting back on track!! Please feel free to add me. I appreciate any support I can get!


  • hoopsterdad
    hoopsterdad Posts: 9 Member
    The jordan23 caught my eye immediately. Your story sounds eerily familiar to mine. Over the last few years, excuses got in the way as well and the basketball game was far under the rim.
    MFP works well; I check in and log everything daily. I find that just being aware of what I am eating has made the biggest difference of all. I head to the gym regularly and am halfway to the goal already.
    I've been leery to reply to anyone, but your story sounds relevant to me.
    Good luck; stick with it.
    My goal is to be at university weight for my 40th birthday in February. Hopefully dropping the 35 lbs will help get the basketball game back in order as well.
  • Pinkee33
    Pinkee33 Posts: 769 Member
    I have to say that this site is awesome for encouragement and support! Feel free to add me as we're all in this together:drinker:

    I log daily and try to make a point of getting around to all of my MFP friends on here... we all need that little push sometimes!:laugh: