sometimes you should listen to your body

i've been weighing and measuring everything i eat, and have been losing steadily. yesterday i did some vigorous (for me) step aerobics, some slow walking and a little more, slower stepping later. i've also been doing circuit training including on the day before. two hours after i went to bed last night, i was starving! not munchy, not a little hungry, but really ravenous. btw, i'm usually an emotional eater - i never did feel hungry except when i was actually hungry, so this was quite unusual.

i got up, had a quest bar (the maple waffle ones are a gooey mess!), another half a bar and a serving of potato chips. i felt disappointed that i was probably going to go over today, but i could live with it. i never get that hungry, and i have been working out. muscles need protein!

well, i just woke up (i wake at 5 am, then go back to sleep each working day) at a lower weight than i've been recently. guess all that stepping, walking and circuit training really did give me an appetite!
