Please help...5 pound gain in 7 days???

Hi everyone,

Well, this is the most depressed I've been about my weight in awhile. We went on vacation last Saturday and the day we left I was 3 1/2 pounds from my goal. I actually ate within my calories and worked out everyday except for the last three days. I just weighed myself and I gained five pounds!!! I'm so disheartened because I did my best to eat as well as possible except for the last three days. It's not my TOM either :(. Can I really gain that much? I just got a great run in and will be back to eating well today but knowing I was so close and now I'm back to being nine pounds away is a horrible feeling. Has this happened to anyone else?


  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Don't panic. It's mostly water weight. Get back into your routine and avoid the scale for a few days. You'll be fine.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    It's probably water weight. Drink water, continue with your routine, and it will come off.
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    This happens regularly to me, it's nothing to worry about or get down over, my weight varies from day to day and sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down! The overall result is what you're going for, the odd blip, and that is what it is, just a blip, doesn't change the overall result! :D
  • bob_day
    bob_day Posts: 87
    Well, the good news is that the best time to lose weight is right after you've gained weight.
  • Drej3735
    Drej3735 Posts: 12
    Don't worry..sometimes the bodyweight will go up & down's natural!
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I just had my husband's birthday and a girls night out, night two days apart. both nights I played every low key really didn't go crazy at all; I had 3 drinks and a desert on my husbands birthday and two drinks and chips with the girls. Had it not been for those things I know I would have been in my calorie range. and honestly I really don't think I actually went over my maintaining calories range, just my losing calories range; I banked calories all day long skipping my snacks and going low cal on breakfast and lunch, did it work?.. NO! BAM 3lbs! for only 2 nights of splurging. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!