Is it ok to exercise everyday?



  • robabob3
    robabob3 Posts: 79 Member
    I realise im fairly new at this only been lifting for about 6 months, but i lift 6 days a week hitting each bodypart twice a week i do 5x5 for all my compound movements and 3x8-12 for the majority of my isolation movements. I monitor all my workouts and my strength has almost doubled in every lift since i started. I don't think there's one right answer everyone is different, for me i do 6 days a week resting on sundays and when i start to feel those niggling pains like i might be doing to much I do a week on lower weights like 20% lower then what i usually do, or if necessary take a week off completely. After that week off I am usually ramped up to get back to the gym.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You can do "something" every day, but give yourself a rest day or two from intense exercise.

    For example, I lift 4 days a week, heavy bag and/or run 3-4 days a week, and try to make sure I don't have a truly sedentary day more than 1 day a week.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I do some exercise every day, but not the same thing every day. Haven't had any issues.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    just use some common sense and listen to your body.

    Except common sense is only a reliable guide if you already have experience of something. I'm guessing the majority of people who come to these boards and are training with an inappropriate frequency just want to lose some weight and think that "if exercise is good, therefore more must be better, right?" I think such people should not exercise common sense but rely on someone else's who has built good practical experience. That may be a good trainer. A recognised tried-and-tested routine with adequate recovery/mobility built in. Whatever. A noob should not, IMHO, try to wing it and "figure it out for themselves".

    It takes a long time of doing something to be able to "listen to your body" and actually hear what it's telling you. By which time you've picked up injuries galore.

    tnx bro :)

    he says common sense , lmao he was hit by his own words, and thats why im asking and making this thread to know a lot of information and the reality of my question because im a beginner and saw a lot of people doing lifting,abs exercise or cardio everyday,, lol