I finally lost all the weight.

My story is simply this: I took on a new job, the stress was killing me, I packed on 15 pounds, and finally decided I wanted to lose it all and fast (and I mean fast-unhealthy). It sucked losing weight that way. I felt like *kitten* most of the time. Despite all that, I finally lost 12 pounds, and I am now pretty much the weight I used to feel comfortable at which is within the 120s.

Now, I just want to enjoy the things I always have: doing damn good at my job, pursuing my PhD, hanging out with friends, and just living life without needing to resort to flipping food to soothe any goddamn stress that comes up.

I say take care of whatever's causing stress, stay healthy (it helps with stress, truly), and don't stuff your face when *kitten* gets hard.

Peace and good luck to all of you!