On a cruise right now and doing, ok

OAS5 Posts: 376 Member
edited September 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
We are on a cruise right now in the middle of the Atlantic ocean that started Saturday, and ends Thursday and I would say eating wise I'm doing, ok. I mean definitely sneaking in a cookie here and there and I'm having desert each night. Yesterday we ate at a specialty dining restaurant that was a bit expensive and they give you a ton, I mean a ton of food so we both decided to skip lunch. That was more a let's get our moneys worth decision though. Go into it on an empty stomach and eat your 100 bucks worth of food. 🤣
I will say I'm dying, just dying to know my weight. After weighing in everyday for the last 6 months is killing me not to be able to. It'll be a big surprise Friday when I can weigh in again.


  • OAS5
    OAS5 Posts: 376 Member
    Those cookies are soo good :smile: enjoy your cruise, you can tackle any gain on your return. And don't weigh in too soon! give it at least a week to let the sodium weight go first. I cruise twice a year and have never gained more than 3 or 4lbs, in fact its usually just 1 or 2lbs.

    Thank you, I think it'll be fine but yeah sodium has to be sky high. I'm doing a ton of walking, not using the elevators just walking and talking the stairs. That has to help, 13,000-15,000 steps plus up and down stairs.
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    Glad you're having a good time. We cruise a fair bit and I have found it is possible to keep a lid on the weight gain. For a two week cruise I will typically gain 7lb, some of which is sodium/carb related. That is with next to no self-discipline except for skipping breakfast and doing my gym workout in the morning, as I always do at home anyway.
  • OAS5
    OAS5 Posts: 376 Member
    I'm doing ok I'd say. Not great, not terrible, could be worse. Tomorrow we go back to our regular foods.