Struggling with unstructured weekends



  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    I eat the same way on weekends as I do during the week. If my kid has a baseball game, I pack food for lunch and eat it there. When I eat out, I don’t drink my calories (unless I have planned in advance for alcohol consumption).

    My husband and teenage son eat a lot, and we keep a lot of calorific snacks in the house. But, I make sure to buy stuff that I don’t like to eat. Since I do the grocery shopping, it is easy to control what is coming in to the house. For my own snacks, I choose things that I find satisfying in small serving sizes and/or things that are low in calories.

    If you are having trouble with dinner, try making crockpot meals on the weekends. You can get it ready in the morning and let it cook while you are gone all day.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Weekends only exist as a result of the industrial revolution and Henry Ford anyway so just don't have weekends, at least where food is concerned.

    Treat Saturday and Sunday no different than any other day of the week and stick to the same routine/schedule
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,256 Member
    I don't allow food in my house unless there is a specific (day/meal) plan for eating it. So, if I overeat now, I won't have that food later. If I have 2 ice creams tonight, I won't have any to eat when I watch a movie on Saturday night. I rarely go to the grocery store and a container of ice cream is below the amount that qualifies for delivery, so it's easiest to just stick to the plan. When I was married and/or had roommates, I didn't eat anything that didn't belong to me. Really once I started buying food according to a plan and not just what sounded good at the time, it became pretty easy.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I started structuring my weekends - going on hikes, playing with the kids, DIY projects, camping, etc.

    I watch much less TV and read more.

    My week points are inactivity and I mindlessly munch, so my solution is to keep my mind and body active.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    Just a hunch, but it seems like your weekends are grab and go. You're busy so you might eat whatever is available since you're rushed and possibly over scheduled. Have you considered storing snacks in your car for events? I always have several pantry stable lower calorie options in the trunk, enough to make a meal if needed. Also, if fast food is an issue, pick items out ahead of time that work for you. For example, I order grilled chicken snack wraps and maybe a small fry. I know this fits into my eating plan. Also, most gas stations and convenience stores have fresh fruit. I'll get a banana or apple to help curb the hunger.
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    Good question. No, I don't eat my exercise calories back... I'm usually right on track or out of WW weeklies by the time I hit the weekend though.

    If you're prone to binge eating I would recommend avoiding any "diet" like weight watchers (assuming that's what you mean by WW) as the restrictions on types of foods can really perpetuate the binge eating. I'm currently working through "overcoming binge eating" second edition by Dr Christopher G Fairburn and it's proving so helpful to me and helps you to maintain structure and plan for your day. Perhaps it could help you.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks all! I appreciate you sharing what works for you. I have a lot to sift through here, but I think there are some definite workable solutions!