Cinema snacks advice please



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    yayamom3 wrote: »
    I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but just wanted to throw it out there. We have been conditioned to believe that we need to snack when we go to the movies. I decided to retrain my brain. I don't eat at home when I'm watching TV/movies, why do I think I need to do it at the movie theater? I just retrained my brain. I stick a bottled water in my bag in case I get thirsty, which I rarely do. And that's it.

    If you're wanting to snack, there are great suggestions above. But I just thought you or someone else might be helped by my strategy.

    I was thinking this exact thing the last time I went to the movies (something I rarely do): "I don't eat at home when I'm watching TV/movies, why do I think I need to do it at the movie theater?" We always go right after a meal, so aren't even hungry.

    That childhood conditioning is hard to shake! (But is entirely doable once we bring awareness to it.)

    I think next time I will bring about 50 calories worth of chocolate chips and call it dessert.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I go to the movies a lot but I never get concessions. Honestly, I broke that habit in my late teens (20 years ago) when I realized I could easily go out for dinner afterward at the same price (sometimes less) so that is usually what I do.
  • wsusan162
    wsusan162 Posts: 58 Member
    They search bags here, and do not allow food brought in from outside, so popcorn is it....they do allow butter-flavored salt to put on it.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Meh, Having snacks while watching a movie is part of the overall experience and enjoyment for me so I just chalk it up as a special occasion and don't stress about it.

    I probably only go to the cinema once a month or so. That's hardly often enough that the additional calories from snacks even matter in the grand scheme of things.
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    At our movie theater they serve food during the movie. What I like about it is that the calories are next to the name in the menu. So I order and immediately log it.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I will often try to avoid taking a snack altogether, I'd rather save it for a pint or nice dinner afterwards. If I really want to snack I pop into Tesco and will either buy a kids packet of sweets (the small ones) like these which are just over 250 cals:

    or I will get a fruit snack pot, like this which is about 125 cals
  • betsymoomoo
    betsymoomoo Posts: 71 Member
    I love theatre popcorn so I just get one. That's usually my cheat meal for the week if I go to a movie. I don't go to movies very often.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I just look at the financial rip off: a tiny bit of oil (the cheapest rubbish you can get, no choice) half a hand full of dried, third grade corn, a bit of salt, cardboard and some electricity - and it's sold for $$$ ? I know of better ways of spending my hard earned money.
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I prefer popcorn to be over priced, it subsidies the price of the film. Most of the money from the tickets goes back to the maker of the film. Next time you are at the cinema, take a look at the popcorn prices. You'll see medium for $5 and large for $7. (I'm guessing about the prices). Medium is over priced. Why is that? Because people will notice the rip off price and buy large instead.
  • StaciMarie2020
    StaciMarie2020 Posts: 68 Member
    For these once in a while scenarios (I don't go to the movies often) I would put in extra exercise and allow myself to aim for maintenance calories.

    Going to see It part 2 this Saturday after meeting my niece for a late lunch. My day will be light breakfast/late lunch of salad & grilled shrimp (Red Lobster - plan to have JUST ONE biscuit) and then the movie. I will eat popcorn. I will estimate it and realize that its more than my normal. I also plan to get in a long cardio session that morning. Dinner will be late and light.

    Hi all, just started a diet a couple of days ago. Doing intermittent fasting and trying to stay within 1400 calories. Going to cinema today and normally I snack big time. I am Def not going to bring pepper sticks and humous while my husband munches on popcorn and malteezers lol. What would yous recommend for decent treats that won't exceed 400 calories...I had late breakfast so won't be esting lunch. I know not the healthiest of choices but I don't want to be miserable either lol. Thanks in advance!

  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Just to throw this out there - I just checked the nutritional info for the movie theaters through Canada and a regular sized buttered popcorn is 840 cals. Ouch.
    I'm not much of a snacker at movies. I like salty treats but not much for popcorn so we're usually being in some candy but that doesn't really do it for me so I don't end up eating much of it.
    If i want to stay low cal and craving salt and crunch I get rice crackers or cakes in a chip flavor. You cam usually eat the whole package for 400 cal.