Rate my Fitness

allother94 Posts: 588 Member
edited September 2019 in Fitness and Exercise
Below is my fitness life in a nutshell. Let me know what you think.

Age 43, 195lbs 6’ 3” 17% body fat

Gym 2x a week for 2hr each time.

First 1hr of workout - basketball or running. Playing basketball game or running semi-suicides (jogging suicides). Running about 2 miles with some walking.

Second hr workout:
1) deadlift - 3 sets of 10
2) bench - 3 sets of 10
3) Dumbbell rows - 3 sets of 10
4) dumbbell shoulder press - 3 sets of 10
5) dumbbell bicep curls - 3 sets of 10
6) leg press - 3 sets of 10
7) calf raises on leg press machine - 3 sets of 10
8) ab crunch machine - 3 sets of 10

Question, I plan to add squats at some point soon. However, in an alternate world, if I were to stick with this without squats, what muscles or benefits would I missing out on?

Other: somewhat active on the weekend with yard work, swimming with kids, mild hiking.

Nutrition: eating at maintenance (calories eating = calories burned), daily avg 150g protein (25g from ISO protein shake), around 90g of fat, rest carbs

What do you see?


  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Are u doing the same workout both days, month after month?
  • wiigelec
    wiigelec Posts: 503 Member
    3 sets of 10 deadlift can’t be that heavy...
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    Are u doing the same workout both days, month after month?

    Yes. I just started this program a couple of weeks ago. I was doing all machines for a year. Are you saying I should change it up in a couple months? If so, how do you do that?

  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 2019
    wiigelec wrote: »
    3 sets of 10 deadlift can’t be that heavy...

    My 1 set max is about 300. I need to dial this back to around 185 to get though all the sets.

    Same for bench. 1 set max is 240 but I dial back to 135 to get all the sets
  • wiigelec
    wiigelec Posts: 503 Member
    You mean 1 rep max?
  • wiigelec
    wiigelec Posts: 503 Member
    It seems like an awful lot of work for one session. What would you think of splitting it up over a few more days?

    How are you progressing on the lifts? What would you think of doing lower reps with heavier weights on the main lifts (squat, bench, press, deadlift) say 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps? How do you feel about getting stronger?
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 2019
    wiigelec wrote: »
    It seems like an awful lot of work for one session. What would you think of splitting it up over a few more days?

    How are you progressing on the lifts? What would you think of doing lower reps with heavier weights on the main lifts (squat, bench, press, deadlift) say 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps? How do you feel about getting stronger?

    I tried to get in a 3rd day a few months ago, but my schedule is so hectic that it didn’t pan out. The best I could do was take the kids roller skating or hiking to get in some cardio.

    Just started with free weights, so too early to tell progression. I doubled or tripled my weights on the machines over the course of a year and packed on some pretty decent muscle mass. But I leveled off the last 3 month (hence the routine change). While I’ve needed to lift less with free weights, my muscles feel more solid (filling in instead of growing bigger).

    I’d like to do heavier weights and lower sets. Getting stronger is always good. Someone recommended this program. I basically move from 8 reps to 12 weeks over a 5 week period, bump up the weight 10%, and start the 5 weeks again. What would the lower, heavier sets do for me?
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    wiigelec wrote: »
    You mean 1 rep max?

    Yes, sorry
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Why run at the gym? There's a whole world outside!
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    edited September 2019
    On your 2 other threads you have repeatedly been advised to follow a proven programme from the link supplied.
    Why are you ignoring that advice and doing the above.

    It looks similar to week 3 of the 2 day a week version of AllPro, full strength both days, but you are mainly using using dumbbells and machines.

    If you are benching at 135lbs, why aren’t you using a barbell for all lifts.

    I realize you are doing leg press/curl until you can squat. Are you working on that?

    (Personally I have no problem subbing in dbs and machines if that is all that is available, or you don’t yet have the strength for a bb)

    Also, the deadlift when done on the AllPro programme is a SLDL (not a true dead, more a hinge move because it is done on the same day as squats as a 3set)

    If AllPro is what you are basing your programme on follow the 5 week schedule, don’t just do week 3. You don’t have the knowledge to work in progressions and deload.

    Cheers, h.

    I am following allpro. I outline that I’m doing the set progression a couple of post above this one (not just week 3). But there are 10,000 posts in that thread and after an hour of reading I found that allpro allows for some adjustments to his programs. For example, you are allowed to adjust the reps for certain exercises and you can do the program 2x a week instead of 3x if you do heavy days. He said he kept the sets and reps the same for simplicity in his description.

    He also allows for the use of dumbbells as long as grip strength is not a problem. Dumbbells seem to give me better muscle symmetry, which is something I need to work on. I only use machines for leg press and ab work. He never really gave an exercise for ab work, so I picked the ab machine. That is something I can change later.

    I also use the leg press machine for calfs, so I’m cheating a little there.

    I just don’t like the SLDL. I can’t make myself believe that by doing standard deadlifts instead of stiff legged deadlift, but doing everything else as outlined, I will get no returns. My guess is I will get at least 80% of the benefits from the program with all these adjustments, which I feel pretty good about. I might switch to SLDL at some point, but I mostly lift weights for the fun of it, and DLs are just more fun.

    Also, there seems to be a theme in the allpro tread that you should just do the program without asking questions. If it was based on hard science, then someone should be able to tell me what I would miss out on if I did the above so I could make an informed decision.

    That being said, I do appreciate your help from the other tread and I am working on my form. Even though I didn’t go all in with allpro just yet, my hybrid-allpro (aka lazy allpro) is much better than what I was doing.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Thanks for coming back with your reasoning. We cross posted so I missed your mention of progression.

    It would have helped people help you if you had initially said you were running the 2day version of AllPro SBR with lift modifications.
    That way we could have known what your progression was, 2-3% per week, and how deloads and failures are handled.

    I was basically curious as to why you were using dbs instead of a bb, thanks for giving your reasoning.

    The best I can come up with for the science between the recommended SLDL vs a DL is (nb: I am just a recreational lifter) that in most programmes that have a squat and a DL on the same day the DL is only 1working set. This is because of the tax on the CSN which could lead to burn out.

    AllPro does the SLDL of equal reps and sets as the squat as it is not as taxing but still works the posterior chain (and I find really works those hammies). You could also do a Romanian squat.

    At this point, doing the leg press instead of squat, you are probably fine doing a standard DL. But do be cognizant of the reasons why it is a SLDL when you do move on to squats.

    Cheers, h.
  • wiigelec
    wiigelec Posts: 503 Member
    allother94 wrote: »
    I’d like to do heavier weights and lower sets. Getting stronger is always good. Someone recommended this program. I basically move from 8 reps to 12 weeks over a 5 week period, bump up the weight 10%, and start the 5 weeks again. What would the lower, heavier sets do for me?

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited September 2019
    Doesn't look too bad, but I would be doing the weights first. no way I would be attempting to lift heavy (squats, deadlifts or bench) after that much cardio. yikes, accident or injury waiting to happen
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    For me personally I hired a trainer. Best decision I ever made. I will say through him he recommends if you want to focus on building muscle, lift first, then do cardio. Most your energy should go into the lifting, use whats left on cardio. Also I don't love working full body each day, so i would probably do a lower body/ upper body split. Or u can change it up month to month. I have a new routine each month, as apparently theres such thing as muscle memory, and you will make more progress changing it up, ex: instead of just shoulder press, do lateral raise and forward raise. Theres seriously a ton of workouts for each muscle group, that and I enjoy variety. All the best to you!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    For me personally I hired a trainer. Best decision I ever made. I will say through him he recommends if you want to focus on building muscle, lift first, then do cardio. Most your energy should go into the lifting, use whats left on cardio. Also I don't love working full body each day, so i would probably do a lower body/ upper body split. Or u can change it up month to month. I have a new routine each month, as apparently theres such thing as muscle memory, and you will make more progress changing it up, ex: instead of just shoulder press, do lateral raise and forward raise. Theres seriously a ton of workouts for each muscle group, that and I enjoy variety. All the best to you!

    sounds like your workout is more body building base with splits and issolations like lateral and front raises. If his focus is more on strength, his workout is good, though cardio should def come after lifting, otherwise not getting the most out of your lifting.
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    It would have helped people help you if you had initially said you were running the 2day version of AllPro SBR with lift modifications.
    That way we could have known what your progression was, 2-3% per week, and how deloads and failures are handled.

    Thanks for your reply (and again for your help before)! I thought about saying this, but I wasn't sure if this program was known well enough by a majority of people.
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    wiigelec wrote: »
    allother94 wrote: »
    I’d like to do heavier weights and lower sets. Getting stronger is always good. Someone recommended this program. I basically move from 8 reps to 12 weeks over a 5 week period, bump up the weight 10%, and start the 5 weeks again. What would the lower, heavier sets do for me?


  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    I would be doing the weights first. no way I would be attempting to lift heavy (squats, deadlifts or bench) after that much cardio. yikes, accident or injury waiting to happen
    ... he recommends if you want to focus on building muscle, lift first, then do cardio. Most your energy should go into the lifting, use whats left on cardio.

    I struggle with this. If I lift first, I have trouble hitting my running and basketball goals and the injury risk goes up on those items. Ideally, I could split these up on different days, but I only can afford 2 gym days right now.

    For what it's worth, a lot of football programs make players lift after a long day of practice. The idea is, as the trainer says, you want to be fresher for what's more important (football in this case). But for me, I think trying to lift first might make more sense.

    Regardless, after doing all this in one day and leaving the gym drenched in sweat, it makes for a relaxing night and a really good sleep!

  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    u can change it up month to month. I have a new routine each month, as apparently theres such thing as muscle memory, and you will make more progress changing it up, ex: instead of just shoulder press, do lateral raise and forward raise. Theres seriously a ton of workouts for each muscle group, that and I enjoy variety. All the best to you!
