Looking for friends for motivation!

Add me! We got this! Let’s motivate each other


  • RamblinMan521
    RamblinMan521 Posts: 38 Member
    Motivation comes from within... find your 'why' and keep it out in front of you every day and you can get past the tough times.

    That said, it's a whole lot better when you got someone pushing you and supporting your efforts, isn't it? 🙂

    Stay consistent and be persistent and you'll do great! 😃
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    What do you need motivation for? You look fine...
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,215 Member
    Unfortunately, motivation will eventually fail you. Focus on creating sustainable habits and building structure in your routine that supports choices to contribute to your goals even if you're having an bad/off day and don't feel like hitting your marks.

    @allother94, don't be a gatekeeper. Just because a user is at a healthy weight and "looks fine" in your opinion doesn't mean they don't have just as much right to be here, using the site as a tool to work towards their personal goals.
  • allother94
    allother94 Posts: 588 Member
    Not being a gatekeeper. Just asking...