Feeling Digusted

I'm finally cleaning out my closet and saying goodbye to clothes that I've "grown out of". I've probably cleared at least half my closet. I feel disgusted with myself... How in the world did I let my weight get so out of control so fast? 20 lbs in the last year. I really need to get busy here...


  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Congratulations on the loss... I can relate with the feelings of disgust.

    My daughter's principal has gotten fatter and fatter over the years and I commented to my husband how since she keeps getting bigger and bigger each year, that she must have to buy alot of clothes. It costs money to get fat.

    Years ago when I was gaining weight, my husband told me to go buy new clothes and I said "hell no!" I really started pushing the weight loss journey because I didn't want to spend money to not look good...

    Donate those clothes and start fresh and don't go back to where you started from... Congratulations again...!!!
  • sexynurse801ms
    sexynurse801ms Posts: 37 Member
    I understand how you feel. This past June my husband snapped some pictures of me playing with the dog and they were bad. I was 217 lbs and stuck. I made a choice at that point to start working on my weight. I joined MFP and began tracking calories. I have lost 29 lbs since then and currently weigh 188. You can do this. Keep your clothes and work on getting back into them.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Last December I went on a cruise for my 40th birthday. It was the last week I could wear my favorite jeans comfortably.

    Before the cruise I weighed about 152. Feeling good with my size, but I was always cold and honestly, living in Ohio, I felt there was no way to get thru winter without gaining a few pounds. So I put my scale away and ate whatever and how much I wanted.

    In April, I weighed in at 161.2 at the OBGYN. She wasn't even fazed since I'm 5'11. I wasn't in any mood to stop my habits, so I kept doing what I was doing. At the GP in August, I weighed 160. Still not motivated to lose weight. Right after my in-laws left to head back to Tennessee I got on the scale. 164.8. Ok, time to do something about this.

    So, in 9 months I gained about 12ish pounds. This number is still "healthy" for me but I feel like a whale. I have a Mexican All Inclusive Beach vacation December 14th. My goal is to be back down to 150 (at least, maybe less) by then. Today I was 156.6. So, I've made great progress in September. Just trying to keep up the motivation in October and November.

    After this trip in December, I plan to maintain by coming back, getting on the scale EVERY WEEK and being honest with myself. When those favorite jeans are tight, it's time to cut back. Not just go grab the next biggest size, which is something I've done all my life.

    My advice. Keep those too small clothes and work to get back in them. Take it slow, they aren't going anywhere.