Hi there!

So I finally thought I'd say 'Hi' and type up something that could rival 'Of War and Peace'.

I go by Little Birdy; I'm a 21 year-old university student in London, England, and I'm hoping to become healthier overall.

I've no real diet plan at the moment; my goals are to simply eat less sugar, and to eat more vegetables.
As I sometimes get insomnia, I'm also cutting back on caffeine (no coffee or tea after 2pm!) and upping my intake of foods containing the animo acid tryptophan.

Fitness-wise, I'm no star.
As a teenager, I was obese; I was 10 stone at 12, and my heaviest was ~12 stone when I was 15.
Though I lost the weight over a course of 3 to 4 years, I'm now 'skinny-fat' (if you ignore the bit of muscle in my thighs from doing the odd bit of martial arts). At the moment I weight ~54kg (I'm 5'5", or there abouts) and fit a UK size 8. Though I might be smaller/slimmer, I'm not really any healthier so now I aim to work out regularly and swap that fat for muscle. That should also let me slim down a little further without losing any weight; I don't want to drop between 52kg, but I don't want to go higher than 55kg either.
In May/June I started running, but hay-fever and clicky knee makes this difficult.
Today, I stopped being a coward and went to the gym for the first time in my life. I've yet to try to any other pieces of equipment, but I've fallen in love with the elliptical machine and now plan to do 30-40 minutes of cardio on that 3 to 5 times a week.
Alongside cardio, I'll do stretches and strength training I learnt from martial arts in my bedroom.

Hopefully I'll see results!