Loose skin

Did you have any trouble with loose skin or a small layer of fat not wanting to come off around the bellybutton area? If so, what are your tips?


  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
  • maxwellsarah312
    maxwellsarah312 Posts: 9 Member
    Am I horrible to mention skin removal?? Only if it’s severe in my opinion. I imagine I will have this issue once I’m done and if it doesn’t go away for a decent amount of time, I think I would get skin removal surgery. Although just saying it makes me want to run away. Hope you find an answer. Maybe just time is what you need at this point. My Dad has the same worry as well.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    So when I lost 70lbs I had tons of loose skin in the stomach area, like actually a flap.( the more you lose the more likely this is, or if you had huge babies like myself lol). 4 years ago I had skin removal surgery with muscle repair. For me, it was really the only way to get rid of it, and it was quite uncomfortable. This is of course a drastic option and not one I would suggest for just a minor amount, but it was the best decision for me and I still feel so happy I did it
  • It depends. Loose skin does shrink back for some after one has been in maintenance a while. But for many, there is a layer of fat below the skin and that is what needs to go as well. And there is no spot reduction.
  • kevinemsley
    kevinemsley Posts: 10 Member
    let's face the simple facts and not the 'fad' nonsense diets and so called science. When we shed large amounts of weight and we are no longer spring-chickens, we will have areas of excess skin on the body. Some people will retain higher levels of elasticity in their skin and this will reduce the horrid flaps but others will end up with a degree of skin leftover which will never 'spring back' into a tight youthful tone........ alas, it happens to the best of us and unfortunately the surgeons assistance may be the only route. No amount of 'magic' cream, wraps or magic potions will reduce skin sagging after extensive weight loss.
  • OpulentBobble
    OpulentBobble Posts: 18 Member
    I had a fairly large baby 6 months ago and have loose skin. But it’s gotten much better and in the mornings it’s almost nonexistent. I’m going to wait until I’m done having babies, lose weight, wait a year and if I’m still not happy with the results naturally I’ll seek out surgical intervention. I wouldn’t do so now because it’s not that bad, but I’m sure it will only get worse with subsequent children and age.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Am I horrible to mention skin removal?? Only if it’s severe in my opinion. I imagine I will have this issue once I’m done and if it doesn’t go away for a decent amount of time, I think I would get skin removal surgery. Although just saying it makes me want to run away. Hope you find an answer. Maybe just time is what you need at this point. My Dad has the same worry as well.

    Not sure why this would be horrible or if it even needs to be severe to take action. It is not really our place to decide how another person should proceed. I think it would be wise for most people to wait for a period of time once they get to maintenance to be sure it is needed. For some people it will tighten for others it will not.

    Loose skin is not limited to a cosmetic situation. It can impact quality of life since it can be in some pretty inconvenient places. If there is enough of it it can become infected easily and heal slowly. It can be severe enough that appearance improvement may be low on the reasons to get it done.