I Just Can't Keep This Up!



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Stop "dieting."


    If your new "lifestyle" isn't part of your "reality" it will never work. Congratulate yourself for having lost the 10 lbs on what I'm going to guess was a plan that shocked your system into losing water and muscle and adjust your plan to include realistic weight loss, a healthy and sustainable diet, and an exercise routine that you can legitimately live with...day after day after day...for the rest of your life. No starvation, no marathon fitness plan, no extreme anything. If you can't live with it, you'll spend the rest of your life fighting this cycle of gaining, losing, gaining more, losing, and gaining even more. "Diets" don't work!
    This. I never have to resist temptations, because I've never given up a single food I love, so I'm never tempted by them. I never fall off the wagon, because I have no wagon to fall off of.
  • TipTopMMR
    TipTopMMR Posts: 89 Member
    One of My favorite quotes that hit home with me finally was "When your Sick and tired of starting over, stop giving up" You have to break the cycle of having the mentality that this is a Diet, until you commit to this being a lifestyle then you will continue to play the Yo Yo game... On a side note may I ask how many calories your trying to sustain your weight loss at and I take it you have completely removed all trigger foods from your diet and are practicing abstinence currently???

    First, listen to this man! He is a rock star. Read his story and the stories of many others on MFP who have lost weight, shaped up and/or decided to live a healthier life. Get and stay inspired!
    Next, get a support group going here. Find friends--read through posts, add like minded friends, communicate often!
    Open your food diary and read the diaries of others. Try new foods and recipes.
    Read health and fitness blogs, websites and magazines.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. It will be slow and hard and, frankly, a real pain in the butt. But it will be worth it!
  • TipTopMMR
    TipTopMMR Posts: 89 Member
    (I saw your last post!) :wink:
    But seriously, no. Just, no.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    if you think you can't, you can't. just sayin.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Congratulations on losing 10lbs in 2 weeks. That's remarkable!
    But as you're finding out, it's not sustainable. So modify your diet. Make it easier by allowing yourself more food. 2lbs per week is the MAXIMUM you should be aiming to lose at the moment - and that will taper off as you lose weight. If you rush at "this diet business" like a bull at a gate you won't be able to sustain it.

    Realistically, it's going to take a year, maybe more to lose all the weight you want to lose. But that's OK, you've got a whole life to lose it in and keep it off in, so taking things slower now is fine.

    Why not open up your diary so that people can make constructive comments on what you've been eating? I'll bet you've not been eating enough, and that's a CERTAIN SURE recipe for getting the feelings that you have now - that you can't continue.

    Just make small changes to whatever is "normal eating" for you, let those new better ways of eating become habits and then make a few more small changes to a healthier lifestyle.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    ...please consider whether you made a sustainable lifestyle change or went on an unsustainable crash diet.

    Amen! Well said! (Leave it to a librarian! Crash diet, indeed.)
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I eat all the foods I love, up to my deficit limit of 1800 calories/day. It's totally doable and it's shameful how easy it is to stick to. My diary is wide open and full of both whole foods and naughty foods prepared by the Devil himself :P Must be working cause I'm halfway to goal :) Don't give up, change something.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    That's what he said.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    You can still have the foods you love but just not as much. Lifestyle change means you do things differently, and if you're depriving yourself a lot just to lose weight then you will fail. You have to get some balance in your life and start exploring foods that taste good to you but with less fat/calories then start working them into your weekly meals. Don't give up, remember it takes about 12 weeks to make something into a habit.

    This is great advice. I still enjoy all of the things I did before I started this journey only the quantities are more controlled. I always have the choice to go overboard in eating them but so far I have chosen not to. I know the adverse affect it will have on my plan because I plan days ahead and log in anything I eat as I consume it.

    I could play the "I can't" game too since I am disabled and physically unable to do any exercise but guess what, I CAN and I CHOOSE TO !
  • angiemotto
    angiemotto Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there folks! I'm really, really struggling with my new lifestyle...the first couple of weeks went really well and I felt almost euphoric and lost 10 pounds! However reality is starting to kick back in and I' finding it so hard to resist the temptations of the foods I love. This is always the pattern for me...a few weeks doing really well and then I blow it! I'm just so frustrated with myself! Aaaargh!

    Congrats on your weight loss! I remember when I first lost a little weight it felt so great! Adjusting to any life style change is not going to happen overnight or even in a couple weeks. There was a lot of foods I had to completely take out of my daily foods but you have to live a little. If you give up everything you like, you will end up splurging and going overboard. Enjoy something that you really like in moderation every week. If I feel i want some chocolate one day, I adjust my calories so my daily intake allows me to.

    Of course I agree with the comment, don't diet. But realistically speaking even without realizing it thats exactly what we are used to calling it. So I don't even fight the word anymore. As long as I am eating good and exercising, if the word diet slips out, its okay lol.

    Good luck and you can definitely break the same cycle! I have a file of inspirational quotes, pics, and whatever I want to keep me motivated. So when I feel like throwing the can in, I go there and realize why I started in the first place. Maybe you should get some inspirational stuff if you haven't already.