Stuck where I’m at



  • calden1594
    calden1594 Posts: 11 Member
    I’ve been at 157-160 for almost. A month now
  • aedw1122
    aedw1122 Posts: 8 Member
    How about your workouts and meal plan?
  • calden1594
    calden1594 Posts: 11 Member
    I workout strength training 5 days a week with 15 minutes of cardio after and do Zumba once a week on top of that and I’m on my feet all day at work too and my meal plan I have figured out my macros and and everything
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    If it were me, I would stay at 1500-1600 and just try to be patient. Eight months is actually a long time, your plateau is unlikely to last much longer. I think your exercise and eating habits will pay off. Just from what you've said it sounds like regain is almost a bigger fear for you than being stuck for a while. I have more difficulty sticking to my healthy habits when I'm under stress, and an approaching wedding qualifies as a stressor.

    You've already beaten the odds by losing that 130 lbs, congratulations!

    PS: When I've pushed a too hard (like eating 800-1000 calories, as you did), I find myself unconsciously cheating after a while. Self-preservation instincts maybe. Those cheats can carry on for a while for me before I finally address them. If you're someone who estimates at times, you might want to get your scales out and check that your 1500 calorie count is accurate.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    calden1594 wrote: »
    What do you mean diet break at maintence calories and yes I weigh myself 2-3 times a day

    Sorry missed this reply. You can take a break on your diet and just eat at maintenance calories. If you change your goal to maintain in MFP the program will give you a new higher calorie goal which you should follow for 2 weeks. This gives your body a break and also helps mentally as you get a bit more food for a while. The theory is that this resets your hormones so that you can then go back to a deficit and start losing again. weighing 2 or 3 times a day is a bad idea. If your weight is up you will then become despondent and want to give up. Your weight will fluctuate all day due to water, food and waste in your system. Think about it... one 8 ounce glass of water is half a pound. It has nothing to do with the fat on your body. As your system processes it, it will drop off. I only weigh once a week and that is adequate. I would suggest you reduce the number of times you weigh.

    Read this thread on Diet breaks for more information: