Sciatica abs work out

Anybody know decent exercise plans I can do to get toned, I have been swimming loads but when in work I can’t always swim. I have lost weight but am susceptible to sciatica so I know certain things such as bent over row, rowing machine Romanian dead lift, even star jumps etc I need to stay away from as they can Aggravate the nerves in my spine. But basically I want a 6 pack or to be very well toned. I just at a loss what to do As my back plays up

I don’t want an exercise to relieve the pain but something to help get toned



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I think, because you are trying to work around your sciatica, you may do well working with a physiotherapist, or a specialized PT, who can build a programme for you.

    Your doctor should be able to refer you.

    Sorry I can’t personally help, it would be irresponsible of me even if I knew how.

    Cheers, h.