Yesterday could have been worse....

I realize that it’s the special events that always seem to trigger the overeating. My dearest friend and my son celebrated birthdays yesterday. I took one out to breakfast and we had a dinner party for the other. We also had a parent bring a box of pastries to the front office at the school I work at! I managed to stay under my calorie count for the day. It took making choices. I chose to Enjoy the company over the food. I skipped desserts and breads at dinner. I limited portions. The only choice I did make was to eat a blueberry muffin top with my coffee at work instead of my normal protein bar snack. So honestly, I got my treat. I’m learning and I’m committed.


  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Wow! Most impressive. I know those days and comments like: "Just have one, it won't hurt you!" I do the same - limit breads and carbs as much as possible - they are my trigger foods with devastating results. Usually breakfast isn't too bad, pastries are very, very difficult to handle and I don't want to offend the host / hostess who usually has put in a lot of effort to arrange the dinner party. Usually I know about arrangements a couple of days ahead and "safe" myself a few hundred calories beforehand and go right back to my meal plan the day after. So I can enjoy myself, especially if it is good food and company.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Oh boy. That's not easy.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,264 Member
    Wow. What a victory. Especially since you allowed yourself to deviate from your usual plan and enjoy the day within limits. I tend to go off the rails right after the morning muffin decision. Kudos to you!!