Officially giving up for now. Anyone else just give up?



  • BonnieP824
    BonnieP824 Posts: 7 Member
    I take breaks, but end up trying again after weeks or even months. It's now about health more than losing weight to look better, so there is that.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    There's a cop banging at my front door. Guess I better give up too. All over a measly stop sign. :/

    In the u.s.a, the 5-0 better have a warrant! OP, maybe switch goals to getting stronger, change your diet, and see where the chips fall...
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Sounds like you've set a goal out of alignment with your values. Do some soul searching and strive for something you want to be, not based upon an ideal outside your values. Reset to a new more attainable goal.

  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,008 Member
    I gave up for 16 years and almost killed myself because of obesity and not caring. I hear what you are saying, *kitten* can be frustrating and we are all our own worst critics. When both my parents passed away last year, I was in the height of my depression and really wanted to die. Something clicked last April when I failed horribly on my annual physical and labs. I'm 54 and turned my life back around , not for anyone else but myself. I decided to live, I hope you do too.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Hugs mama :heart: post partum is HARD. I had 4 babies in 5.5 years, plus a couple miscarriages. Your hormones are an absolute mess right now, and you might even have some postpartum depression going on (I had it BAD after #3, but in the thick of it I couldn’t see the forest through the trees... looking back? Scary).

    My first time on MFP was 2011, my starting weight then is only 5 pounds more than my current goal weight... I stuck my head in the sand for years! Ignoring t won’t fix it.

    I second the poster that recommended putting the clothes in a closet. Out of sight out of mind, but available in the future. Start small. It is so easy to eat crap snack food all day with a baby in the house. No fads, just accurate logging (I am a total believe after just one month counting calories - I call it my body budget!). If you are nursing the game changes a bit because you truly are eating for two, one of which is a baby that is growing like mad!

    Ignore the celebrities and those that have a 6 pack 9 months PP - it’s the rarity, not the norm.

    One tip is to dress comfortably, but nicely. The mood boost will help tremendously. After my hysterectomy last year, instead of sticking to sweats I embraced leggings and tunic tops or short flowy dresses... I went from feeling like a frumpy mess to feminine and pretty, ready to conquer the world.
  • catgerm
    catgerm Posts: 44 Member
    Please, give yourself a break. U just had a baby. Are you breastfeeding?

    I started losing weight when the baby was just about weaned (2 feedings/day) and even with that, it was suggested to eat an appropriate amount of calories.

    This was an odd case where it did help me to increase calories. A fitness coach recommended that to me and it worked! So I added breastfeeding as an exercise in MFP