World Mental Health Day



  • Cowsfan1
    Cowsfan1 Posts: 7,937 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    A wise philosopher once said the whole depression/anxiety thing is poop or something to that effect and i think that sums it up quite accurately. I struggled for years. YEARS. Before i let go of the stigma surrounding meds. Now i will preach it to anyone who will listen that those drugs are life changing. I’m not ignorant of their shortcomings, but when you can’t summon the energy to do all the life changes required to battle depression without meds (much less stick with those changes for months before seeing any relief) then the drugs are a literal lifesaver.

    People are entitled to their own opinions as to the safety or efficacy of those drugs, of course, but i do wish those opinions weren’t advertised so freely. It cements the ‘drugs are for the weak’ stigma that i, for one, was in bondage to unnecessarily and for way too long.

    Eh a take a crazy pill too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Reckoner68 wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    A wise philosopher once said the whole depression/anxiety thing is poop or something to that effect and i think that sums it up quite accurately. I struggled for years. YEARS. Before i let go of the stigma surrounding meds. Now i will preach it to anyone who will listen that those drugs are life changing. I’m not ignorant of their shortcomings, but when you can’t summon the energy to do all the life changes required to battle depression without meds (much less stick with those changes for months before seeing any relief) then the drugs are a literal lifesaver.

    People are entitled to their own opinions as to the safety or efficacy of those drugs, of course, but i do wish those opinions weren’t advertised so freely. It cements the ‘drugs are for the weak’ stigma that i, for one, was in bondage to unnecessarily and for way too long.

    Personal experience factors into it, too. I'd seen good friends of mine change a lot when they started taking meds, but I also did therapy for a year or two before finally realizing that I just couldn't quite get over the hump on my own. The first time I started my meds, I sat with the pill in front of me for THREE HOURS, scared of who it was gonna turn me into. But it was good. It was like...relief, for the time in my life (or at least as long as I could remember).

    Now I'm potentially getting ready to make a change, and those old fears are coming back. A guy who looks like me really needs all the brains/personality he can get, so there's panic that sets in for sure, buuuuuuuut I think it'll be OK.

    I actually got swabbed yesterday so they can run some sorta gene test on me to see which meds *should* work best for me, how crazy is that? The things they can do with science now.

    ...or actually it was an elaborate ploy to get my DNA to see if I committed a murder 30 years ago, but maybe I've just been watching too much Forensic Files.

    No, that can't be it. There's no such thing as too much Forensic Files.

    I swear we share a brain.

    I also find the dna thing interesting but REALLLLY convenient for the government 🤓

    But i have been considering doing the dna test thing so let me know if it helps at all
  • Cowsfan1
    Cowsfan1 Posts: 7,937 Member
    I think we’re all our own kind of crazy for lack of a better word and that’s ok - we all deal with chit different again ok.. I think knowing I’m not the only one with my crazy thoughts is some what comforting in some way - even if you guys are all just fake and likely laughing at me
  • Reckoner68
    Reckoner68 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Cowsfan1 wrote: »
    I think we’re all our own kind of crazy for lack of a better word and that’s ok - we all deal with chit different again ok.. I think knowing I’m not the only one with my crazy thoughts is some what comforting in some way - even if you guys are all just fake and likely laughing at me

    Man, if you're crazy and I'm laughing, I'm just laughing WITH you all the way to the nuthouse. I'm like two steps away from wearing a tinfoil hat with my theories about modern society and *why* so many people are 'crazy' anyway. And it allllllllllllll starts with an article I read years ago from the reputable scientific journal known as so...yeah.

    Sure ain't laughin at ya, and as much credibility as I can get by validating my own posts, nothin fake here. Just the struggle with the good days 'n the bad days
  • Cowsfan1
    Cowsfan1 Posts: 7,937 Member
    Reckoner68 wrote: »
    Cowsfan1 wrote: »
    I think we’re all our own kind of crazy for lack of a better word and that’s ok - we all deal with chit different again ok.. I think knowing I’m not the only one with my crazy thoughts is some what comforting in some way - even if you guys are all just fake and likely laughing at me

    Man, if you're crazy and I'm laughing, I'm just laughing WITH you all the way to the nuthouse. I'm like two steps away from wearing a tinfoil hat with my theories about modern society and *why* so many people are 'crazy' anyway. And it allllllllllllll starts with an article I read years ago from the reputable scientific journal known as so...yeah.

    Sure ain't laughin at ya, and as much credibility as I can get by validating my own posts, nothin fake here. Just the struggle with the good days 'n the bad days

    lol Hugged the hell outta this bro
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    @caco_ethes I've tried the genetic test, because I was having too many side effect issues/crisis complications. It was very helpful. I ended up starting something on my "yellow" list right before the test and ironically it was a pretty good fit overall, but the feedback allowed my dosage to be estimated better, as its major issue listed was that I might need more of it to reach an effective dose. My best feedback is to keep in mind that green, yellow, and red do not correspond to the like colors of the stoplight.
  • mtndewme
    mtndewme Posts: 724 Member

    Love this ❤ so well said.

    I am off work due to stress right now (work in mental health). And I haven't been feeling too great. I read your post, then seen the cute little pink furry animal you have as PP. I zoomed in and then noticed its brandishing a knife hahaha. I have got to say, that was unexpected and definetly made me chuckle 🤣🤣

    Glad I made you laugh! There's nothing I like more than and angry looking cute thing. My PP is a video game character called Kirby.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    One year I was depressed and someone told me not to be sad anymore.

    That’s one reason to study history.

    Compare your life to
    Nanking China 1939.
    Andersonville in 1863.
    Germany 1944.

    To name a few....
  • ADRskew21
    ADRskew21 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on 3 different meds for depression...
    mental health is incredibly important to me.
    but sadly it is overlooked so much in this day and age.

    though with MFP I've been able to track my eating habits since I can forget to eat....
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    My brain doesn't make the right chemicals. i look at it like a physical issue. like my stomach makes too much acid. or my achilles is tight. some days are better than others.
    mine doesn't really respond to traditional medication but cymbalta has helped me tremendously
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    I'm a crier and I've had a lot of providers automatically assume depression and put me on meds, but I never felt much relief. A new therapist saw right through it: anxiety gets me so wound up and the crying is how I bring myself back down, so antidepressants were working against me every time they were prescribed. Since then I've found that hypnosis and talk therapy has helped me as much as anything else.

    Telling my parents that I see a therapist regularly was the most stressful part of being more open, but it was important to me for my kids to see it. Theres a genetic predisposition on both sides and I dont want them to wait as long as I have to get some help, if they need it.