Motivated and need friends!!



  • ragingmrs

    I decided that as of today - that was it - I was tired of not getting anywhere, and saying 'I'll start tomorrow' routine... Being not able to use a gym for strength work, due to hemiplegia, the best I can do is walking everyday, and daily exercises for my hemi.

    I've finally decided it was about time I looked after myself properly, instead of everyone else first. Sounds kinda bad I know, but it needed to be done for me, my kids and my family. <snip>

    It does not sound bad to take care of yourself first for a change. Most of us forget about ourselves until we have done so much damage that we have no other choice and others have to take care of us for a change. You do not need permission or feel bad about taking care of yourself.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Hi Victoria,

    Feel free to add me. I'm about your age and still have 78 lbs I'd like to lose (40 down!) and try to log everyday. I'd be glad to be a cheerleader! I know if I can lose 40 lbs, anyone can!! :smile: