Need friend and motivation buddies!!


I’ve just started a journey towards weight loss and a healthier lifestyle!
I want to lose at least 40 pounds but my ultimate goal is to sometime lose 70.
I’m on day 9 currently and seeking some motivation buddies!
So feel free to add me or message me so we can pep each other to reach our goals and celebrate our progress!!!!! 😄

Some facts about me!
I’m 20 years old and I live together with my boyfriend of 4 1/2 years. I’m a positive person and I love singing and music. I have gained about 80 pounds over the last 3 years due to binging and an overall unhealthy lifestyle.


  • Justinrw86
    Justinrw86 Posts: 21 Member
    You got this! Congratulations on making an effort!
  • paul220977
    paul220977 Posts: 3 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have set up an accountability group to help motivate eachother 👍🏼😊
  • Chris_J99
    Chris_J99 Posts: 175 Member
    Well done ! All journeys have to start somewhere. I am a MFP returner and have been logging for about 30 days and plan on keeping it up. Extra pounds have snuck up on me and they need to go! We can encourage and motivate each other!! 😁💪🏼😁
  • mjoyba7797
    mjoyba7797 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I’m also 20 and trying to lose about 50 lbs long run! I definitely need a buddy to help keep on track. Please add me to any accountability group :)
  • Butteredsidedown
    Butteredsidedown Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm with you for losing 70lbs - but would be happy to work with you for 40lbs first! I'm 41, in the UK and can't do any exercise other than swimming (bad ankle).

    I'm on day 16 ish so far (actually signed up with WW, but finding myself coming to MFP more).

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Usman70lbs
    Usman70lbs Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, I'm 27 and trying to lose 70lbs after reaching 272lbs. I have been logging for the past week or so and happy to be added to motivation groups to keep going and for encouragement.
  • Usman70lbs
    Usman70lbs Posts: 24 Member
    Forgot to mention, I'm happy for those with the same goals to add me
  • QueenNatasha2017
    QueenNatasha2017 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I'm in a similar situation! I'm 27 and originally lost 50 pounds a few years ago and gained it all back. I also have a bf of 4 years and enjoy the same things. I started over a few weeks ago and already lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks. You can do it! Ill add you. Anyone else feel free to add me as well :)
  • Usman70lbs
    Usman70lbs Posts: 24 Member
    Earlier this year I started keto after getting fed up with my belt buckle getting too tight and digging into me. I refused to buy more 'big clothes' and started keto out of frustration. The rate of weightloss was amazing, I rarely used to feel hungry and the amount of cheese I could eat and still lose weight was incredible. The only downsides were that it took effort to create every meal and if I got lazy with food preparation, I would come close to eating carbs again.
  • Usman70lbs
    Usman70lbs Posts: 24 Member
    So currently I stop eating at 5/6pm because after this time is usually when pizza/junk food gets ordered to the house by family that I live with. I then have breakfast again at whatever time I wake up. I aim to limit my calorie intake to 2200 calories but don't stress too much if I go over this.

    My biggest weakness is biscuits, especially at breakfast. So if I do have biscuits at breakfast, I log them, so I am aware to eat sensibly the rest of the day.

    How does everyone else manage?
    What behaviours/tactics do you use that you have found helpful?
  • Chris_J99
    Chris_J99 Posts: 175 Member
    I do the shopping for the household so I avoid biscuits cake and sweets. If it’s not in the cupboard then I can’t munch it!!
    I prep my lunch salad and snacks each morning and try and avoid the workplace snacks. It’s working but I have had to be disciplined 😁
  • gagamonroe
    gagamonroe Posts: 2 Member
    Please add Me as a friend!!!! I need motivation too!!!!
  • Mollyrimg1999
    Mollyrimg1999 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey im also 20 looking to lose around 40 pounds. Im a student uk and have developed really bad eating habits over the last 3 years. I think an accountability buddy could really help me and i would be happy to chat to someone in a similar situation 😁
  • ENRiyard
    ENRiyard Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All,

    How are you ? I'm back here and back in the gym. I have been absent for some 3-4 months due to personal issues. Looking to shed few kg that i have gained during this time. Feel free to add me. I post food prep sometimes and my diary is open If you wish to have a look. Good luck to all of us on the journey xxx
  • kittehkitteh88
    kittehkitteh88 Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm usually really good through the week - its the weekends that get me! I would love to see what other people eat, i tend to get stuck with the same food every day
  • YoureAWalnut
    YoureAWalnut Posts: 57 Member
    I'm also great during the week but seem to overeat and underreport on the weekend which just discourages me and I feel like I spend the whole week trying to make up for mistakes over the weekend. Trying to break the cycle!
  • shira324
    shira324 Posts: 156 Member
    I've been on MFP for the last six or seven years (on and off). I lost about 40 lbs in 2017-2018, but I've gained back 20 lbs in the last six months. Trying to get back on track now!

    Good luck on your journey, this is a great place for support and motivation.
  • jcj170927
    jcj170927 Posts: 5 Member
    I’m also looking for a buddy to stay on track feel free to add me
  • noneia7
    noneia7 Posts: 1 Member
    I really need the motivation! Feel free to add me I would love to help eachother!
  • Chris_J99
    Chris_J99 Posts: 175 Member
    Friend requests sent! We can encourage and motivate each other! We can do this 😁
    My diary is open to friends so you can see how good or bad I have been 🤣