Wish to connect friends affected by death in the family :(

I have been on MFP for a long time. I did really well... Losing almost 30kgs. Then, sadly, earlier this year, I lost my son to cancer. I went into a spiral, and have been stress eating since (..although it took me a while to recognise what was going on with my eating).I have put half my original weight loss back on... Ugh! I am now trying to get back on track, and think it would be valuable to connect with other MFP'ers who have gone through a similar trauma.



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Really hope you find the support you need.
    I cannot imagine how terrible it must feel to lose a child.
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    Sorry to here about your son, cannot imagine such a loss, but Im sure he is better now. As for me, my father is terminal, every night I keep my phone near by because I dont know when the call will come through. I exercise sometimes to keep ky mind from wobdering. Add me if you like. Good luck on your journey. Its time you take care of yourself.
  • Ashley_no_excuses
    I am so sorry for your loss I wish you healing within time. I lost my great-grandfather about 7 1/2 years ago, and with him being the only father I knew I lost myself. I ran away by moving cross country from my feelings, but the pain moves with me. 7 years and I thought I would have gotten it together, but I haven't. I used to dance competitively and was very artistic, I dropped everything and gained the weight of another person with the loss. I would love to add you and hope with time we can both heal. Blessings

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My mother is terminal from cancer. Her liver is failing and just trying to get through every day like normal. You can add me if you like. :)
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    My dad passed away at age 53 this past May. It was very unexpected. I still have days when I just want to sit and cry and think about him. The first week or so after he passed away I hardly ate at all. Dropped a lot of weight fast. I worked out a little afterwards and just now getting seriously back into working out again. It's hard...I mean death is inevitable and is a shock to the system for loved ones. You just have to put one foot in front of the other. Your son would want you to do this, to get healthy. (((HUGS))))
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    I'm sorry about your son. That must of been absolutely horrible.
    I lost one of my best friends earlier this year. Completely unexpected and unfair.
    I had to find out she died through Facebook.
    I just shut down and didn't exercise or eat right for a long time. Months.
    I've just started to get back on track again.
    Exercising really does make you feel better.
    My heart goes out to anyone who has had to deal with death of a loved one.
  • YellowSummerRoom
    YellowSummerRoom Posts: 22 Member
    It's probably not even comprable to losing a child (I'm SO sorry for your loss) but my nan - who I lived with most of my life along with my mum - was pretty much a parent to me. She died early last year and around the same time my mum had a heart attack. Fortunately mum survived but I've been on edge about her health ever since. It was like being faced with losing both parents - my two major rocks - at once. I still haven't got over losing nan - I can't get it in my head she's not around anymore even now - and I'm borderline phobic about mum now.

    Feel free to add me xx
  • smudgekat
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
    I lost my dad last year and gained about 30lbs eating and drinking (shifted that so now on here to drop another 30 something), I cant begin to imagine how terrible it must be for you, greif and calories seem to get together and gang up against me. but feel free to add me if you need support. Its what we're all on here for!
