Turbofire vs. T25

JL2513 Posts: 867 Member
Hi everyone,
I have been working out on a regular basis since May and have lost 15 pounds. i would like to lose another 15 pounds and am contemplating purchasing either TurboFire or Focus T25 to change things up. Do you have recommendations on which of the two I should purchase? Any feedback, successes, etc. shared is greatly appreciated!



  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    T25 is on a level of intensity like Insanity...if that's the intensity you want, I would suggest T25 (:
  • MrsTizzy
    MrsTizzy Posts: 2 Member
    I have done both programs, I love TurboFire, it was my first program when I joined Beachbody that actually kicked my butt enough and worked me out, I lost weight and felt stronger. I am a fitness instructor as well as a fitness freak, I do a lot of different types of exercising and when I started T25, I was so afraid that it wouldn't be long enough or enough of a workout. I WAS SO WRONG. In 5 weeks I am down 8lbs, lost 2" off my mid-section. It is truly a core, overall total body workout and you have to stay focused but the exercises are doable. 30 seconds to 1 minute of something you can stay focused. :happy:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i haven't done TF myself but know many who have and have gotten awesome results. I am currently doing t25 AND LOVE IT. It is intense but the fact that it's short i can get it in my day every day almost no excuses.... anything longer then 40 min and i have a hard time doing it as much as i should.
  • Hi, I have both but I like Turbo Fire better. The music is very motivating and I really like the schedule layout. I'm planning to do T25 after I'm done with TF.