Looking for accountability buddy! (PST/MST)

MFBevil Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2019 in Motivation and Support

I’m looking for a WEIGHT LOSS accountability buddy for the next 3 months! (Can go longer if desired!)
I’ve attempted this with a number of people in the past but it has failed because either one of us didn’t know how to check in on the other without pressure (and also without feeling guilty when we dropped our goals that day).

I have a better, more systematic, and more forgiving way of doing it this time around to hopefully help provide both you and myself proper and reliable accountability.

Please DM me or comment below! We can connect outside of this app and I may ask you a few questions to see if we are a good fit :) After that we can get all set up and get started!


P.S. This is totally free. The only thing I’m looking for is a motivated person who can also provide me good accountability!


  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    My best weight loss accountability buddy is turning out to be me and a big mirror in every room of my house.

    I'm around every single day, I can always be reached, and, it really is hard to hide from myself with all the mirrors I've got hanging around my house.

    good luck!
  • samdero
    samdero Posts: 1 Member
    Ill be your accountability buddy! I also need some motivation. I'm not doing too terrible, but I keep having my cheat days turn into cheat weeks... Its been rough. Really wanna get back to my prepregnancy weight...