just tell me it gets better

ok, first week 4lbs
second week-today- only .5
1/2 a pound!! And I followed my diet this week-- I did!! I did!! But I am sad its not more---and i have alot to lose-
please tell me it gets better

my ticker is not even right, it should say 4.5


  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    1. The ticker rounds up or down, so it will never get you a 4.5.
    2. Stick with it, you are only two weeks in. Were you 100% honest with yourself and your tracking? Did you exercise? Did you drink your water. Our bodies are complex and weird numbers happen sometimes. Last week I stuffed my face for two straight days and actually lost a pound. Weird things happen. The key is to stay consistent and honest with your tracking.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    As long as you are completely honest with yourself as RMX said, log everything, do your exercise and take in LESS calories than you use up the weight has to come off in the end, it has no choice, sometimes it takes a while, other times you will find a big drop.

    3500 calories in deficit = 1lb loss

    Do not omit things from your diary, if you do that you are only fooling yourself, not logging them does not mean you haven't taken them in it just means you haven't logged them, the calories will still exist.

    Give yourself a chance, crack down and continue, persevere and do not give up.

    The weight does not come off evenly either, sometimes no weight loss is recorded on the scales and yet the measurements will be down - which is good! Do you measure yourself? If not, start, measure yourself when you weigh yourself once per week.

    If you weigh yourself everyday, you will notice every single little fluctuation and there WILL be fluctuations, it is natural to have that happen, that is why it is advisable not to weigh every day.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    As I just had a crisis last weekt he first thing I want to share with you is the scale is the devil, it can and well discourage you. The weight loss process is a complex one and your body is changing a lot on the inside. Sadly you will likely gain a few pounds back and then loose them again. Its frustraing and hard.I am saying all of this not to discourage you, but to give you a heads up so it doesn't knock you off track when it happens. Water consumption is IMPARATIVE... I gained two pounds overnight, and after two days of drinking 10-12 glasses of water my weight returned to normal. 3,500 calories does equal one pound-- BUT--- weight loss is not as simple as a calorie in calorie out. If you follow the plan the mpf gave you and work out, you WILL loose weight it will flucate, but over the long run- months- you will see overall weight loss. Don't loose faith and stay away from the scale. Except for once a week
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    In addition to the weight loss, how do you feel? Is the healthier lifestyle giving you more energy, making you feel better? What about clothes, are they feeling looser? I know I get fixated on numbers, but sometimes I have to take stock in other ways I'm benefiting and it helps.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    for the first month or so, my scale never budged - and I was being brutally honest about my diet and exercise. Then I gained a pound. Then I lost 1.8 lb.. but through it all, I am not giving up. I know in my heart that I eating right 98% of the time and exercising regularly. That cannot be a bad thing. So I will not let the scale tell me how I feel - and neither should you. You have already lost 4.5 lbs.. that is great. Celebrate it. And hang in there.. the rest will come. In the meantime, think about the healthier you that you are working on..
  • rcook810
    rcook810 Posts: 4
    Thanks- Yes, i do have to say that I am definitely honest this time around with my food intake- I log everything I eat- I do need to exercise- I just wanted to concentrate on one thing at a time- But I know for sure I am eating alot less in the past 2 weeks than I have in a long time- I have been drinking tons of water too..But I haven't had any heartburn in 2 weeks, my clothes fit a little more comfy, just a little-lol- I just have so much to lose---I guess I was thinking it would just fall off.
    I just want to make this work !! Thanks again!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Stick with it. The first 4 pounds were water and if you're new to exercise you're holding water in your muscles. Look it as losing 4.5 pounds in 2 weeks. Not bad weight loss at all. It took me a good month and a half to really start losing. I think your body is just waiting to see if you're going to starve it or if you're going to eat enough to maintain all your functions. Eat all of your calories plus some of your exercise calories and don't give up. If you haven't lost any more after a month, you might try small adjustments but don't ever overexercise or undereat. It's counterproductive.
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    It was the same thing with me that another poster above mentioned. It took about three weeks for my scale to even show a weight difference, so good job on the 4.5 lost in the first week! I did notice that once it did start to move, the more I stuck with my exercise and within my calorie intake, the more it the scale was willing to show lower numbers for - even by small increments.

    I would also try to keep in mind that there are a lot of other factors that can make the scale your enemy...the week before and the week of the time of the month being a big one for me. As well, if you're working out and exercising more, you could also attribute less weight loss due to muscle gain? In addition to keeping track on the scale (which I also have a love/hate relationship with) may I also recommend a measuring tape? You may not notice pounds but inches could be coming off as well.

    Also pretty much all the other suggestions the other posters have given as well. Just give it time...eating/living healthy shouldn't just be a quick/short-term kind of thing and more a lifelong process. I was always so impatient before when I wasn't seeing the results fast enough and I'd end up quitting. Now that I'm back on the wagon, I realized that had I just stuck with the slow and steady, I still would have been better off than letting go and being back or worse off than when I started.

    You're off to a great start! Just be honest and consistent with yourself! :)
  • rcook810
    rcook810 Posts: 4
    well, a little update- I am happy to report I did lose 2lbs this week- I guess i was thinking that since i have so much to lose, it will just fall off once i get my eating under control- but slow and steady is good too- and this week i need to add some exercise!