Any Ladies Close to Goal or Approaching Maintenance?

I'm looking for ladies who are close to their weight loss goal, have open diaries, log daily and who can comment with supportive and encouraging words (no judgements!). Due to my work schedule I usually don't log on until the evening but I always go back to comment on everyones updates.

All year I've had an amazing group of friends and they've supported me in losing 39 pounds but it seems lately everyone is being pulled in different directions. With the holidays approaching I'm trying to build up my friends list to help me stay the course in losing these last 8 pounds by the new year. I may push further after that but these last 8 will put me at the goal I've had all year and I can re-evaluate at that time.

Close to goal can be anything you define it as, whether that's 50 pounds, 25 or 5. I'm just looking for ladies who are excited to be where they are but more excited to see that finish line and be a supportive group as we possibly move in to maintenance.

If interested please send a quick note with your friend request and let me know your final goal. :)