Hey! New mom trying to lose the baby weight!

I’m starting my ‘find myself again’ after having baby 6 weeks ago.
I’m ready and totally committed for this big lifestyle change. Before I found out I was pregnant I used to train 3 times a week with a pt and eat somewhat ‘decent’. And looked half ok I guess.
Then I became pregnant and lost control! 9 months of pure ‘bliss’ but it sure don’t feel like bliss now! I’m now facing a 90 lbs weight loss.
BUT i am so excited! I am ready now more than ever to work really hard at this and to become a good role model for my daughter.
I haven’t told any friends,or family.
Just the exception of my husband, mom and sister. (For babysitting duties) lol ;)

Any new moms out there hoping to share tips, advice, support? Me too! Let’s be friends!.