Support wanted!

kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
Hi. I'm looking for some support to keep me on track and accountable. After recovering from an illness I've put on 18lbs that i just can't shift. I was running three times a week and then got an injury to my achilles and I still cant run 3 months later...
So currently Im 36 years old, 5ft 4 and weighing in at 156lbs. I want to lose at least 14lb. I do 2 gym sessions a week and as Many home ones as i can fit in... But Ive literally lost nothing in months. Ive been tracking calories... But now looking at macros and just starting out on it all really. Anybody want to link up and get started together?


  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I'm looking at your current macros, and while your protein is OK (You can probably drop it down to 100 if you're not doing a lot of weight lifting.) your carbs are set like a runner or someone who does a lot of cardio, and with your injury and your expected amount of protein consumption, it's going to be hard to keep fat THAT LOW and protein that high. It will seriously limit your food options to like... protein shakes, egg whites, and maybe fish.

    Try skimming 30g off your protein and 30g off your carbs and giving yourself a little more play with fats. You'll be able to pick a bigger variety of meat options, and you may find that you're less hungry over all. :) (All of this assumes that you're not pescatarian or something that I haven't learned about you yet.) You can also *ease into macro changes* 5-10 g at a time instead of changing out your entire diet all at once. That sort of thing just makes me cranky, personally, but I am a creature of habit and I enjoy the familiar.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Thankyou. I was a cardio 5 times a week girl until the injury so yeah, im probably wired the wrong way round. I am now lifting but only for the last two months so relatively new.

    Diet wise i struggle due to the fact that we buy nothing at all packaged in plastic. So ive been unable to source affordable protein powder so im living off eggs :)

    Ill have a go at shifting them a bit.. Thanks!!

  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I hear you. I love my cardio and times when I can't get to it due to illness or injury, everything gets thrown out of whack. Take your time and give your *brain* as much time to adjust as you are willing to give your body. :)
  • LDemi333
    LDemi333 Posts: 92 Member
    edited November 2019
    Hi, I am 5ft 6" weighing 155lbs and want to lose about 14lbs. Mine was not an injury. For 22 years I was hypothyroid and on medication. After a blood test last year I was critically Hyperthyroid and instructed to start to withdraw the meds immediately. I went through some very low points as I came off the meds plus withdrawl symptoms for several months. Exercise machines were banned as my heart rate was rapid. I am now off of all meds for three months on 9th November. I really do understand how you feel. I have been instructed to lose weight now I am settled with a normal heart rate (less weight = less work for the now working gland). I can start with long walks and lift light weights but to go easy and use calorie restriction mostly. So if you would like a buddy please msg. I am aiming for 7lbs off by Christmas and the rest by Mid Feb.