Overweight and training for a triathlon!? Eek!

Hello All!

Just thought I'd say hi and quickly introduce myself. I've got a substantial amount of weight to lose and have struggled with it since my early 20s (I'm 35). I'm now more motivated than ever!

As I lose weight & exercise I'm also starting to train for a triathlon. Eek! The thought of doing one is exciting & scary!

Anyone have any advice?


  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    When is your triathlon and the distances of all 3 sections?

    What type of training are you currently doing?
  • vernellbrosious
    I have no advice, as I just started with this group today.
    But I want to say congratulations on such a task.
    Your story could inspire many to want to do the same thing.
    I just want to lose weight and get in shape.
  • JennyAmi1985
    JennyAmi1985 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm not training for a triathlon, just a couple 5k's. I need to lose quite a bit of weight myself, and found some new motivation to do it! Add me if you'd like, we can encourage one another
  • Ravenous4Captain
    Ravenous4Captain Posts: 144 Member
    Wow. You are braver than I am. I don't have any advice but I wanted to say good luck with your training. Feel free to add me.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Glad you found me to add me! :) Have you picked a race yet?
  • Pillarmark1
    Hello everyone!
    I'm not training for a Triathlon, but I would like to do I 5k in October. I think that is a healthy projection. Working on running 20-15 min per day. I am happy to finally set some goals and the accountability to attain them! May be when I grow up I will do a Triathlon. LOL

  • josywosy
    josywosy Posts: 49 Member
    Haven't chosen an event yet, but will start with a sprint. Over the winter (sept-apr) I'll have to do the mass majority of my training inside. I prefer outside but we have ridiculous weather where I live. Not super cold, just very very strong winds for days on end and lots of rain.

    The gale force winds don't make it too safe on the super narrow roads. So before I choose an event I want to see what timeline I'm looking at after a bit of training. I also live on a small island so most of the events earlier in the year would involve flights + hotel. No problem, I just want to make sure I'll be ready before I book.

    I'll give it a bit then pick.....can't wait!!

    Pillmark1 - do the 5k you'll love it!
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    I did a sprint duathlon this summer and got hooked. I am now training for Olympic distances. Exact event is also TBD. Good luck OP!
  • sydneybeachgirl
    well, from one beginner to the other (I do have 2 sprint events behind my back but I still feel absolutely green) my advice is to train for all 3 legs: swim, cycle AND run..dont just train for run or cycle or swim...do all 3 of them...and try to do them in the sequence they are taking place : eg. if swim is 1st then do that 1st then do the others...IT makes a differnce.you might not be strong in swimming but push yourself, then you push yourself on the cycle leg -just because it seemed so "nice" in the gym- then get to the running, which might be your forte and you might find you are overtired...not that you cannot do the run distance...you are already tired...

    it is all about the balance.

    I am strong in swimming so I have to remind myself not to go all out on that leg, my cycle is strong enough (not as strong as swimming but stronger then running) so I have to pace myself with it and conserve my strength for the run...finding that balance (especially on the cycle leg) is not easy :) how fast is fast enough but not too fast to eat up my energy for the follow up leg which is my dreaded run :)

    if you have picked an event and if you can then go and visit the site - do your cycle and run at the site - helps to get familiarized with the route, your pacing etc :) If you can do your swim-cycle-run at the event site too - at least once :)

    Try to practise transition---it aint easy to get your gear on when you are stil wet from the pool :) even worse when you get out of the pool and have to run through grass and then get your shoes and gear on..yukkk...definately worth the effor to practise :)

    hope this helps :)
  • filicia1025
    filicia1025 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not trainining for a triathlon but would love to do one someday. For now i'm focusing on 5k first.
    triathletes are a great inspiration. Good luck ;)
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I'm looking to do a triathlon and Tough Mudder, next year once I've had shoulder surgery. Currently training for my first marathon in October.

    Good luck with your training
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Good for you!!!! Be warned though - triathlons can be addicting! :happy:

    Check out beginner triathlete.com - it has lots of good information and training plans.

    It sounds like you are looking towards the spring for your first tri? If so, I would spend the bulk of fall and winter just building your base endurance in each of the 3 disciplines. Also, if you are not strength training, start doing so now. If you need to you can put it on hold as you get closer to your event, but now is the time to work on increasing muscle strength.

    3-4 months out from your race start focusing more on race specific training. Try to train under the same conditions as your race. Include some hill and speed intervals. Do some bricks. I actually would suggest trying to do a short run after almost every bike ride; even if it's just 10 minutes, it will help to train your legs for that bike to run transition. You'll need to figure out your race day wardrobe, equipment, and nutrition and practice eating, wearing, and using exactly what you plan to do on race day.

    Try to plan to give yourself a day or two off periodically. Triathlon training can really mess with your head, and it's easy to loose perspective and overdo it. Have fun!!!!

    And start putting money into a savings account now. As I said, it's addictive. And expensive!
  • zcarpenter91
    zcarpenter91 Posts: 51 Member
    I haven't done a triathlon before but its definitely on my todo list. I did do tough mudder though, which for those unfamiliar is a 10 mile obstacle course. And for that I did a ton of bodyweight excercises (Lots of climbing, pullups, lunges and that sort of thing) then I ran 10 miles right after my workout (Mon, Wed and Fri) and that seemed to workout quite well for me. I believe in being very prepared so I trained my body for more than what I was going to be doing so when the time came, I was ready :) So get out there and kick fat's *kitten*!! I have faith that you will succeed :)
  • josywosy
    josywosy Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks so much for the support & awesome advice! So helpful!
  • iafishhhy
    You can do iiit! No ones overweight or anything as long as you have trained well for the event.

    Haven't tried triathlon as well but very eager to train for my first. (must admit that im not a very good swimmer though)
