Just Stressing...

So I feel that I've been off track since Saturday evening. It was our 1st wedding anniversary on Sunday, and we went to stay at a casino Sat night. We ate out Sat night and Sunday morning. I didn't go over my calories on Sunday because I went and burned 1,030 when I got home.., but Saturday I had two glasses of wine and a Roll and parmersan crusted chicken. I only ate half, and I didn't have the nutrition facts, so I made the best educated guess possible.

This is more of a post to get this of my chest and to get some support... you see, we also kept our wedding cake in the freezer, and when we took it out to have some, I had a very large piece, and then a bite here and a bite there, basically the whole weekend. So yesterday, (Mon.) I still had like half the cake left, and just dumped it down the drain.. because if it was there in my face, I'd eat it...
I've been back on track, for the most part, worked out for 1.5 hrs last night again, and am planning for another hour tonight.
This is where I'm going to struggle again though. Tomorrow I'm leaving to head to Milwaukee to go to Great America with my sister and cousins, and also do a rummage sale at my parents Fri and Sat. And I'm worried b/c weigh in day is Saturday and I'm uber paranoid I'm not going to lose weight and not have any time to work out!

Should I weigh myself tomorrow morning, just to check up on myself, or just wait until Saturday? Also should I be worried? I just can't help but to think about this all the time. This aweful feeling of sabatoging my own week...
Thanks for listening, and I'd appreciate anything you'd have to say....


  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Remember this is a lifestyle change not just a diet. There are going to be events in life that you need to not worry about the scale. Ok, so maybe you went a little overboard on the cake, but you got rid of it knowing it was a weakness.

    You dont' have to loose weight every time. You might stall for a little bit, maybe even put on a pound or two, please realize that your body inside is changing its learning how to process things differently and shifts in the way things are inside. I know its hard the scale is unforgiving. but dont' be to hard on yourself.

    Don't make days like that a habit, and you'll be fine from the sounds of it i don't see you amking them a habit. Best wishes
  • sbarham
    sbarham Posts: 44 Member
    Girl, do I understand!!! My husband and mine's 1st anniversary was in May and we went away for the weekend. The cake was just as good if not better than the wedding, and the topper was HUGE! I had to end up bringing it in to work to get rid of the rest, after I'd already had several pieces and was stressing. It was still special to have some with him that weekend though, and I try to be careful not to let my crazy non-stop thoughts about food and weight loss take away from what's important and special to him to. For me, the most important thing is to get right back on track. The problems only really come when I use the guilt to just keep eating...whatever I want...and stop working out. Vacations, going out of town, really anything different from the norm are my big areas of struggle too. When I'm out of my routine is when I'm most tempted to stray from my commitment to myself with diet and exercise. What works best for me: still try, but allow myself some grace too. I try to take healthy snacks on vacation, plan what I can eat at fast food that's not "as bad," work out if there's an opportunity like a gym at the hotel, swimming, etc. But because it's not ideal, it's harder to control what I eat when my usual healthy choices are not always around and my availablilty to work out isn't as much. Just try to do the best you can, allow yourself a little grace (don't be so hard on yourself), and then get right back to it as soon as you're back to your normal routine! Good luck, and I'll be thinking about you!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Melissa - don't stress out about it. We all have our days from time to time. And since you've been doing so good you can't stress over a slip up here & there. Yes it is a lifestyle change, so we do have to live our lives. And your first anniversary isn't going to happen again, so just enjoy the day. You had your cake & then you threw it away. So move on with your life & don't worry so much.

    As for this weekend you'll get a lot of walking in at Great America. Then during your rummage sale at your parents you can always do a few jumping jacks or something - take a quick break for a few walks around the block. Don't fret. Enjoy your weekend!

    You are doing amazing! Keep going! :happy:
