My home cardio heart pump routine

I'm doing a series of moves that my trainer put together. 3 rounds of ten reps each over the course of each day (all at once or broken up, matters not).
- raise arms, touch toes, touch knees, touch toes
- raise arms, squat
- squats
- alternating cross-body hi knees
- balance one leg x 5 count, switch legs,
- good mornings
- ab crunch
- cross body crunch, each side,
- repeat the raise arms. touch toes.
- repeat the raise arms. squat.

Lately I'm doing 2 rounds of 15 reps each, instead of 3 x 10.

I like the energy burst it gives me, and, after 22 days in a row, I swear I'm starting to see the tiniest bit of definition in my ab muscles!