


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    I have been on lexapro and abilify for years. They make it harder to loose weight but I did not gain weight because of them. Having bad feelings can make the motivation to work out, eat healthy or do much of anything WAY HARDER. It may take time to find the right medication and dosage you need so I agree that you should get the advice of a psychiatrist.

    I'm on a similar combination and find losing is slower for the amount of calories I eat and amount I work out. It also increases my hunger signals, I have to really watch what I eat.

    I tried Wellbutrin when I was younger and all my hair fell out, it grew back when I stopped it. Not a fun time! Finding the right medication if needed sometimes takes awhile.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I have been on Celexa and Wellbutrin for years. Wellbutrin caused a mild form of seizures...,so I have been only on Celexa for the past two years.

    Zoloft, amitriptyline, Wellbutrin, and Celexa -- and a Lexapro thrown in. Lexapro gave me vivid dreams which I found disturbing. A psychiatrist diagnosed me bipolar II disorder -- major depression and mild bipolar (compulsive eating, smoking, and drinking -- that's what Catherine Zeta-Jones has). I think Bipolar II is quite prevalent in the world right now,

    It's a depression-bipolar world, and you must be your own advocate.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I have just recently weaned off amitriptyline, which was prescribed for depression/anxiety & chronic migraines.

    The side-effect of drowsiness was a huge plus for me as I was in a terrible cycle of not sleeping which made me feel worse, and then anxious thoughts would be spinning round all night long and stopping me from sleeping...

    Almost as soon as I started amitriptyline I was sleeping so well and waking feeling, I don't know, at peace with the world or something. It was great, and I actually looked forward to heading off to bed at night (which I was previously dreading because I felt like I was just stuck there with my thoughts whirling, worrying about anything and everything).

    I started slowly and increased to what was a helpful dose, and then recently weaned off even more slowly. I was on it for about 18 months or so.

    Sure, exercise is great, and now is an important part of my overall wellbeing...but that for me came after I got the depression under control. Anything I tried before made me just feel exhausted and more miserable, and it was hard enough just dragging myself through the days without that. Now that I am feeling better, I have found head room for things like diet and exercise, plus other hobbies and interests.
  • hjlind25
    hjlind25 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm currently on effector (it was great for a little bit) then now im trying to wean off it to do a more of a mood stabilizer like lamrotigine. Effexor is horrible to get off of, I would not recommend it to my worst enemy. If you haven't seen a physicist, I'd suggest it, and keep going until they get it right.
  • prissycarrot
    prissycarrot Posts: 5 Member
    Like many have said, finding the right medication is a matter of trial and error. My suggestion is not to write off the medications that may cause a bit of weight gain. I used to take one that is notorious for weight gain, but because I ate mindfully and exercised every day, I actually lost weight while taking it. It's not impossible. Good luck!
  • prissycarrot
    prissycarrot Posts: 5 Member
    hjlind25 wrote: »
    I'm currently on effector (it was great for a little bit) then now im trying to wean off it to do a more of a mood stabilizer like lamrotigine. Effexor is horrible to get off of, I would not recommend it to my worst enemy. If you haven't seen a physicist, I'd suggest it, and keep going until they get it right.

    Effexor made me dizzy and destroyed my appetite entirely. I had to stop it, too.
  • lorijotrautman
    lorijotrautman Posts: 2 Member
    I have just started Prozac and I do understand I may be wonky for a few weeks until it settles in. I had been on Lexapro before but the weight gain and feeling like a zombie...even on 5mg!...encouraged me to get off it. My doctor suggested Prozac and I hope it works for my anxiety. If you feel like this every year at this time, do try a sun lamp! I have heard they work well for many people. Vitamin D is also crucial.. maybe your doctor can check your levels? I do go to the gym a couple times a week and do yoga at home. But I find I do need some help via anti-anxiety meds. Good luck to you!!

  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    It’s amazing to me that different people have such wildly different reactions to the same medication!!!!! Wow. The trial and error is worth it when you find the right one though.

    As for weight gain, honestly I’d rather be a little heavier and happy then at my thinnest and a mess.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    My son tried many different things and failed on them all and now qualifies for deep TMS and Ketamine. He's doing an inhaled version of ketamine, but people that have done intravenous have shown significant improvement in as few as 3 treatments. He's had about 6 treatments with the inhaled and has said that he notices a difference and actually looks forward to going. Once you go through the initial treatment cycle, you only need boosters once a month or so. It's been proven to be effective in 75% of people with treatment resistant depression.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Womona wrote: »
    It’s amazing to me that different people have such wildly different reactions to the same medication!!!!! Wow. The trial and error is worth it when you find the right one though.

    As for weight gain, honestly I’d rather be a little heavier and happy then at my thinnest and a mess.

    My brother is a critical care nurse supervisor and we had a conversation about how different drugs affect each person differently. He said it is common with heart medications too. When they get a patient in, they sometimes have to try 3 or 4 things to stabilize him/her. The main difference is that they see results within minutes or hours whereas with psychotropic medications actual results don't become known until several weeks or even months have passed.

    I kind of stumbled onto the one that works for me. I tried the usual suspects (Paxil, Effexor, Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Zoloft, and another one or two I don't remember) but still wasn't on an even keel. In the meantime, I became unemployed and uninsured so my Dr. sampled me Viibryd plus the manufacturer has a great PAP where I could get it free. I have been on it for 6 years now, even after I got insurance, because it is the best one for me. Looking forward to it going generic in 2021.
  • GotYR06
    GotYR06 Posts: 30 Member
    katermari wrote: »
    GotYR06 wrote: »
    I have been very blue again and always get like this the same time every year. I have much to feel thankful for and just don’t understand where all I want to do is sleep and cry. I have tried Prozac but made me so sleepy I stopped the first week cause o couldn’t even function. I have taken Celexa but it made me not care about a thing and feel numb. And Wellbutrin made me so mean and angry. I never have any of them a chance because I hate taking pills and all the side effects like headaches and teeth grinding are horrible. But I want to feel better and don’t want an antidepressant that will make me gain weight because I’d be even more depressed. Please no nasty comments of just “walk it off” because I do and if that were possible to alleviate these feelings there would be no shrinks and antidepressants. Just would love to hear experiences! Thanks 🙏🏻

    I have been on anti anxiety and anti depressants for 21 years, what I can say from my experience is, they do not make the sad go away but they do help you cope, or as my doctor says " keep my wheels in the right lane"
    find things that spark joy in your life, weather it be a song or taking a bath, or doing art.
    what ever sparks joy in your life for those few moments that help make the next few bearable. also around this time of year is is important to take vitamins and get into the sunshine.

    [Edited by MFP Staff]
    katermari wrote: »
    GotYR06 wrote: »
    I have been very blue again and always get like this the same time every year. I have much to feel thankful for and just don’t understand where all I want to do is sleep and cry. I have tried Prozac but made me so sleepy I stopped the first week cause o couldn’t even function. I have taken Celexa but it made me not care about a thing and feel numb. And Wellbutrin made me so mean and angry. I never have any of them a chance because I hate taking pills and all the side effects like headaches and teeth grinding are horrible. But I want to feel better and don’t want an antidepressant that will make me gain weight because I’d be even more depressed. Please no nasty comments of just “walk it off” because I do and if that were possible to alleviate these feelings there would be no shrinks and antidepressants. Just would love to hear experiences! Thanks 🙏🏻

    I have been on anti anxiety and anti depressants for 21 years, what I can say from my experience is, they do not make the sad go away but they do help you cope, or as my doctor says " keep my wheels in the right lane"
    find things that spark joy in your life, weather it be a song or taking a bath, or doing art.
    what ever sparks joy in your life for those few moments that help make the next few bearable. also around this time of year is is important to take vitamins and get into the sunshine.

    [Edited by MFP Staff]
    I know that I might be one of the lucky ones: After 15 years or so on a variety of antidepressants (our dear son George Paul died shortly after birth) I met up with a few psychiatrists and psychologists at a conference. I started to understand what "healing from within" means and to ease my pain it was suggested to just write things down - write it all away from my heart and put it onto paper. It was and is a slow process and after about 4 years I have managed to stop antidepressants and instead have written about 3.000 pages. 600 days ago I joined MFP and so far have lost 44 kg / 95 pounds. Thank you all those supportive members!
    I know that I might be one of the lucky ones: After 15 years or so on a variety of antidepressants (our dear son George Paul died shortly after birth) I met up with a few psychiatrists and psychologists at a conference. I started to understand what "healing from within" means and to ease my pain it was suggested to just write things down - write it all away from my heart and put it onto paper. It was and is a slow process and after about 4 years I have managed to stop antidepressants and instead have written about 3.000 pages. 600 days ago I joined MFP and so far have lost 44 kg / 95 pounds. Thank you all those supportive members!

  • GotYR06
    GotYR06 Posts: 30 Member
    Very well said. Thank you!