Looking for short videos of vegetarianism vs carnivores

MLeigh18 Posts: 120 Member
Hi everyone! I am a high school English teacher and this year I'll be teaching how to write a persuasive speech. The school offered me to show the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. I don't want to show the whole video because I think it's a waste of precious time so instead I'm looking for short 5-15 minute videos of logical and well researched persuasive video to show my students. I'd like one for the promotion of vegetarianism or veganism and another for a carnivorous life style. I am looking at Robb Wolf's book The Paleo Solution as a reading passage where he talks about how he was vegetarian for many years and was sick, and then he switched to a paleo diet and got better. But I'd prefer to have videos to show since high schoolers respond better to videos rather than readings.

If y'all have any suggestions please please let me know either as a response here or in a PM. Thanks!