Is anybody else "squishy" after weight loss?!?!

My 4 yr. old son pokes my belly and says it's "squishy like a marshmallow" and he's actually kind of right. Ive lost almost 40 lbs and I work out like crazy and Im happy with it, but Im not sure my skin is bouncing back like it should (Im almost 30 / 2 kids). Sometimes I feel like I looked better heavier because atleast my problem areas were denser and didnt move as much. Now I have the same amount of skin covering less fat so the jiggle factor is a problem. Like at Zumba class when everyone is doing the "Shakira" (Standing sideways and move hip up and down). Well Im moving my hip up and down and EVERYTHING is moving. Kind of looks like a water bed when you jump on it lol.

Does anyone else have this problem? I know the only way to help is exercise and I also know that your skin loses elasticity as you age. Am I to the point of no return now or is there still hope at my age (30)?!?!


  • Salbags
    Salbags Posts: 8
    I have exactly the same problem. I've lost 60 pounds and I sometimes think my belly and boobs looked better before because they are quite saggy now. BUT - I have been using various body firming creams. I was doubtful at first, but I really think that they are helping - that and the skin naturally bouncing back a bit on its own (I'm 24). I don't think either of us are too old for ourskin to do most of the work itself, but maybe give the creams a go. I LOVE Palmers firming butter specifically for post weight loss and pregnancy, and I also use a couple of others - it also smells great and you should moisturise anyway right? x
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Yep, I am squishy too after losing 40 pounds, but certainly not focusing on it, as I have dropped 4 sizes in clothing and like how I look. I do do things to help tone, but figure at 51+ I ain't gonna bounce back quite the same as I would have if I had lost this weight much earlier in life. I would imagine that at age 30 you can work at toning your body and see some results, but be realistic. Have you tried YOGA? I did that for 12 weeks this past spring and it amazed me as to the difference I saw in my body contours and how I felt. Hoping to find another reasonable class to join and would strongly recommend it as a method for toning. Good luck and congratulations on your weight loss. Tell your son the squishy is to provide him with comfort when you hug him!!!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Yeah, I still have squishy belly but I'm trying to keep the area moisturized and keep exercising and hope that it will get better. I look better in my clothes now so I'm not even considering going back to my preMFP weight.
  • jer2kat
    jer2kat Posts: 71 Member
    I have the same problem and I haven't even lost much yet. My husband even says he liked the way I was before I started losing weight because everything sags now. That is a little discuraging I want to be healthy but now my husband doesn't like the way I look. I think I will try some of the firming cream and see if that helps me too. Thanks for the tips.
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    LOL!....'Thought it was me!' and I am not talking about the song. At the Curves I belong to, there is a 50 something lady there that lost about 60lbs. She has been toning up using the resistance machines. She has very little flab, loose skin or squishy parts. She attributes it to the machines she uses. Hope this helps....I've lost 30lbs and needing to tone up my squishy parts. Thanks for the hint of Palmer's cream... I love that cocoa butter smell.
  • telg1980
    telg1980 Posts: 25
    Yes thanks!! I'll definitely try the cocoa butter. It's cheap and it can't hurt :wink:
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I have the same problem and I haven't even lost much yet. My husband even says he liked the way I was before I started losing weight because everything sags now. That is a little discuraging I want to be healthy but now my husband doesn't like the way I look. I think I will try some of the firming cream and see if that helps me too. Thanks for the tips.

    I think this could be that your husband is insecure. If my fiance ever said that he didnt like the way I looked when I was trying to get healthy I would give him a thing or two. I wouldnt take it as a discouragment that he doesnt like the way you look. I would take it as hes not supporting you the way he should. Youre trying to better yourself and be healthy and all hes thinking is looks and to say "I like you better before" is hurtful and can play lots of mind games.

    Sorry if I sound harsh but my ex did this to me and thank god he is an ex. I wouldnt wear white shirts for the longest time because he didnt like the way I looked in them. I wouldnt wear shorts because he said my ankles were big. I wore long shirts because he called me tank *kitten* when I was 137lbs of muscle. So things like this kidna upset me to see.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Bump for the Palmer's cream!!
  • telg1980
    telg1980 Posts: 25
    I have the same problem and I haven't even lost much yet. My husband even says he liked the way I was before I started losing weight because everything sags now. That is a little discuraging I want to be healthy but now my husband doesn't like the way I look. I think I will try some of the firming cream and see if that helps me too. Thanks for the tips.

    I think this could be that your husband is insecure. If my fiance ever said that he didnt like the way I looked when I was trying to get healthy I would give him a thing or two. I wouldnt take it as a discouragment that he doesnt like the way you look. I would take it as hes not supporting you the way he should. Youre trying to better yourself and be healthy and all hes thinking is looks and to say "I like you better before" is hurtful and can play lots of mind games.

    Sorry if I sound harsh but my ex did this to me and thank god he is an ex. I wouldnt wear white shirts for the longest time because he didnt like the way I looked in them. I wouldnt wear shorts because he said my ankles were big. I wore long shirts because he called me tank *kitten* when I was 137lbs of muscle. So things like this kidna upset me to see.

    That makes me so sad. Especially now that I know what it's like to have a supportive man in my life FINALLY!!!! Ive totally been there. I agree it's insecurites. You're looking better and he doesnt like it. Again Ive totally been there!! To hell with anything negative he or anyone else says. Your bettering yourself for you and nobody else!!!