Cauliflower pizza?

EmilyW37 Posts: 15 Member
Sorry if I am a bit late on this one. But what is cauliflower pizza? Is tit the base that is made from cauliflower? If so, please tell me how...

emily x


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Well, Google can help with that

    OR you can search through some forum post

    Enjoy your research

  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    This. And the same for all other cauliflower sub recipes.
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    It's delicious...

  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member

    That said.....if you are already a fan of cauliflower, by all means look into it. But if you're just looking for a more healthy style of pizza, there are better alternatives (thin crust, more veggies, light cheese--or the near impossible for most people--just eat a slice or two instead of 6.)

    ETA: not meaning to imply that you routinely eat 6 pieces of pizza at one go, but I can and so do a lot of folks.:laugh:
  • Schninie
    Schninie Posts: 35 Member
    Well, Google can help with that

    OR you can search through some forum post

    Enjoy your research


    Can't stand people that do that. Can't you just answer the question instead of being so darn rude? If google was the answer for everything then there'd be no need for forums. Either answer or don't bother commenting. Some fitness pal you are! Tsk
  • hevurxo
    hevurxo Posts: 27
    the base can be made from light mozerella and blended up really small pieces of cauliflower, the cheese makes it all stick together basically.

    then decorated like a normal pizza, eg tomato base, cheese, toppings.

    I've tried it once and it wasnt too bad, but if you use too much cauliflower its very very strong and a bit sickening.
    It doesn't taste exactly like a pizza, but if you're determined not to fall for the craving its a good choice :-)

    Edit: forgot to add, if you use light mozerella the calorie total is quite low, I think a whole 'pizza' comes in at around 400-500? depending on toppings ( 400/500 = pepperoni)
  • Schninie
    Schninie Posts: 35 Member
    OP, I have never heard of this so I also intrigued to find out! :)
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    There's nothing cauliflower can't do
  • tumbledownhouse
    tumbledownhouse Posts: 178 Member
    it's quite good but a bit of a kerfuffle. I'm more into using a naan bread as the base and topping with lots of veggies and less cheese.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    This is a great recipe with a few pictures. Just ignore the medifast measurements! Sandy has a lot of great recipes that are low calorie, meat and vegetable recipes. She also has a revolution roll recipe that is really good!! Good for gluten free, most recipes and yummy!!

    And for the haters, the cauliflower base doesn't taste like cauliflower, but it doesn't store well once made and cooked with toppings, so make them individually sized and eat one up!!! You won't be sorry if you cook it well, One tip, parchment paper is a MUST!

    Oh yes, I use pizza sauce on top, and add whatever vegies that excite me, shrroms, bell pepper, olives, tomato, etc. I don't ise rotel tomatoes or canned tomatoes, as they are too 'wet' imho. If you get the crust nicely browned and a bit dark on the edges it is usually pretty crispy!! Gluten free pizza, but I sometimes add turkey pepperoni. Not sure if that is gluten free?
  • Xalanii
    Xalanii Posts: 20 Member
    A quarter of an extra large pizza by my house only clocks in at 250-300 calories...there are worse things.
  • lucysmumuk
    there are some light pizza's in the shops that are around 400-500 cals and no effort required
  • barbie3000
    barbie3000 Posts: 73 Member
    Well, Google can help with that

    OR you can search through some forum post

    Enjoy your research


    Can't stand people that do that. Can't you just answer the question instead of being so darn rude? If google was the answer for everything then there'd be no need for forums. Either answer or don't bother commenting. Some fitness pal you are! Tsk
    ^^ This.
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    cauliflower bashing is pretty trendy around here, but honestly i think the cauliflower pizza crust is kind of nice in its own way. it's not like a regular pizza crust, but it does it's job acting as a vehicle for tasty toppings. i'm the sort of person that approaches my diet with moderation rather than exclusion. i lovelovelove pizza and eat it fairly regularly, but i limit myself to two slices and a small salad. that said, i still really did enjoy the cauliflower pizza - as did my boyfriend and our other friend that we had over for dinner. we all agreed that it sufficiently satisfied a craving for gooey cheesy goodness without making us feel weighed down and heavy after eating. the major drawback whenever i made it was that the crust didn't hold together well enough to eat with my hands. that's largely due to the fact that i don't eat eggs and the eggs are an important binder in the recipe. i've never been one to mind eating pizza with a fork and knife though. :)
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Made it once

    The funniest thing ever . It may have less carbs but it has more fat than ordinary pizza so it equates to the same / if not more calories .

    The media has destroyed society . Made everyone semi retarded by dropping carbs .
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    Made it once

    The funniest thing ever . It may have less carbs but it has more fat than ordinary pizza so it equates to the same / if not more calories .

    The media has destroyed society . Made everyone semi retarded by dropping carbs .

    ^ Also, this. In the end I didn't feel like my pizza was lower calorie - just lower carb. It was quite fatty... which is probably why it was tasty, hehe.
  • melimama2
    melimama2 Posts: 40 Member
    it's a good option for people that are gluten free, but every recipe I've seen calls for so much cheese that it is worse than a regular pizza crust. Find a good whole wheat crust recipe and make it as this as possible. A slice of homemade pizza in my house is only around 200-250 calories.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    google giybf :D