Adding weight training and still lose weight ?



  • Justin_7272
    Justin_7272 Posts: 341 Member
    I don't want to bump them up to high because my body likes to aggressively store any extra calories I consume as fat and I have a slow metabolism so I have had to be aggressive on my body to lose weight as I'm sure alot of guys reading this see me say I eat 1300 calories and day and say "wtf" lol.

    To be blunt, this doesn't make sense scientifically; "aggressively storing fat" is not a thing, and slow metabolism is a common excuse. You're likely eating more than you think.

    To try to answer your question, 2lbs of muscle is the accepted max a male can grow in a month. If you have adequate protein (at least 1g/lean body mass) you should aim for around 4lbs/month max with the understanding you're going to gain some fat when bulking.

    I've been tracking my meals and calories for the pass 4 years so I know for a fact that I'm not eating more than I think. I don't know about "Scientifically" but people's bodies are not the same and one person's body could like to hold on to days more than someone else's indefinitely.

    Are you weighing your food? I expect not.

    People's bodies are the same in that 3500 calories is a pound. You're not special and you don't "hold on" more than anyone else.

    I didn't think it was a big deal to weigh my food, until I did. It's a common mistake to underestimate intake and overestimate caloric burn. Seriously, no big deal.

    The worst you can do is lie to yourself about it, then blame it on scientificly-debunked theories (e.g. low metabolism, aggressively storing fat).

    If you've been tracking for 4 years, believe you're at a defecit, and are struggling to lose weight at 1300 calories, 6'2" 230lbs you are eating FAR more than 1300 calories. You need to seriously reevaluate.
    Would be cool if you actually answered the question of a good calorie count for muscle growth and maintaining it like I originally asked.

    Protein is considered king when it comes to muscle maintenance and muscle growth. It's much easier to grow muscle with a caloric surplus than defecit. Max lean body mass growth is 2lbs/month. You're going to gain some fat as well, so bulking suggestion is maintenance +500 calories per day while consuming at least 1g protein/LBM.

    That being said, even with eating 1500 calories a day and a 3500 cheat day, that still equates to roughly 1800 per day, which should be well below maintenance for you. So again, if you are maintaining at your current intake you're either a) lying to yourself about intake/expenditure or b) defying science.

    It's not meant to be a personal attack; it's constructive feedback to try to help you reach your goal. Best of luck.