Hi from Stockport UK Folks,

Hi there Folks,

My name is Brian from Stockport in Greater Manchester. I'm recently single and looking for some pals to go on this journey with.

I'm not into the Slimming Worlds and all that jazz, I need weight loss not group therapy and the dreaded public walk to the scales lol. I downloaded the app about four months ago and had a dabble for a few weeks, but fell then out of the habit. I guess I wasn't ready or motivated enough to stick at it.

Oddly enough, I then bumped into one of my full length mirrors (ths big house just has too many !) and kinda rediscovered my mojo.
I've stuck at it pretty well for around a month now and despite the odd over indulgence (well about 500 cals last friday night !) I've still lost around 11lbs this month

I want to lose another 68lbs (how daunting is that ?) and I look at some of the folk on here who have lost loads with admiration. Their willpower is fantastic and far better than mine.

I've been and dug my bike out today because this time I'm determined that this is going to stick and I'm going to get a decent figure to go with my cheeky grin:happy: That sharp old tux is just begging to be worn again !

So if you fancy a natter then get in touch and we'll have a giggle together as we lose the lbs....:smooched: