getting back on track after three week break (not weighing myself for a while)

i took s three week break on healthy eating and eating within calories because one day i got upset because one week the scale didn’t move even though i worked really hard that week and didn’t eat above calories. i know weight fluctuates but it still hurts and it was an excuse just to eat badly

this is more of a rant than anything else because i was doing well for two month but i’m getting back in track now after three weeks. i didn’t go back to eating how i used to which is good but i would of if i don’t stop now.

i’m not going to weigh myself until just before christmas so my weight goes back to how it was before those three weeks bc if i do it now i will get really upset. is this s good idea? (i might start measuring myself though and sorry if this makes no sense


  • trulyhealy
    trulyhealy Posts: 240 Member
    but i do plan to get drunk on a work night out on tuesday because this is a rare thing for me so i’m just going to pretend that calories from alcohol isn’t a thing g because i’m more focused about getting back into the habit of calorie counting and going to the gym.

    even though it’s only been a three week break, if feels longer.
  • trulyhealy
    trulyhealy Posts: 240 Member
    also i feel significantly fatter and i know it can’t all be from weight bc there’s no way i gained back the 8 pounds back of pure fat so yeah that sucks