restarting, looking for some good pointers

I've been active and inactive since 2012. I'm trying to get started again, hopefully this time I will meet my goals, by setting small attainable goals. I've kind of let myself fall below my expectations of where I want to be, so I am going to try again to at least get some good habits back into my life. That includes going to the gym at least 5 days a week and doing some good cardio daily and weight training for strength. Any good pointers on how to stay motivated with a good workout plan? for now I am using the elliptical machine at the gym for 20 min, then I spend 30 min aimlessly walking around and using machines for legs and arms... I'm remembering what I did before and trying to start back into doing the same machines and reps, just starting a little less on the weights so I don't overdo it.

I'm really wanting to lose some weight as well, so I'm trying to substitute one meal a day with a protein drink and cut the sodas- drink at least 80oz a day of water and lessen the carbs. I'm trying to get into the habit of logging my food daily and weight as well. Any other tricks to help stay on track?


  • emsmiley12
    emsmiley12 Posts: 22 Member
    I think you’re doing great at the reintegration process. Stay committed by rewarding your small achievments! Maybe a new workout clothing item here and there.

    I also suggest using Zevia to help you during phasing out soda. Sold at places like Whole Foods, Earth fare, and most fully-stocked US grocery stores. I did that years ago and haven’t had soda in over 5 years now.

    Here to encourage you! sent a friend request!