Is Personal Training Worth The Money?



  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I get useful one-on-one feedback on improving my form when I take group classes, and that's good enough for me.
  • LJSmith1989
    I know someone that did and got in incredible shape. a year later back to the way he was before. So to answer your question you have to mentally ready to maintain after the trainer is gone. It should be a life style change that the trainer will tech you. Good luck on your choice

    Im working with one at the moment. She's helping me drop the last 10llb and teaching me lifting form and healthy diet.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    You get what you pay for....

    As a representative of the profession who is also almost absurdly critical of the industry in general, I have to say its in your best interest.

    If one wants to start using machines or weights for ANY reason, it's in your best interest to try a trainer or three or thirty. Sure it's a crap shoot as to what kind of quality you'll get, there is no equation to figure it out, but chances are they still will know more about proper loading of joints and movement patterns than someone who is a lay person.

    A trainer is not needed to lose weight or get in shape. It's an insurance policy. Cause otherwise how do you know what you're doing? A dvd? Youtube? Magazine? Your friend? Specific goals require specific action.

    And everyone wants the cheapest of everything. We'll spend a thousand dollars for a tv to sit in front of but can't spend 500 on trying to change our lives.

    Priorities. It's partially the industry's fault because it is a barely regulated industry, but consumers looking for cheap answers continue to drive the industry into a fire sale of shltty discount services...then the customer has the nerve to complain?

    And for whatever person saw 8 sessions for $150 ... lol 18 bucks a session? That's what your training is worth? Guess so...if you say so... ugh
  • Sporks42
    Sporks42 Posts: 44 Member
    Not for $150, that is way too much!

    Honestly I think it depends on your goals, I've seen personal trainers with my gym assist their clients with running on the treadmill, and I don't understand why they are paying for a session to have someone stand awkwardly beside them, seems like a waste. I do however wish it was in the budget for when it comes to the free weight section, but they would have to be good and care about correct form.

    Also, don't take nutritional advice from them unless they can prove they have taken more than nutrition 101, and if you don't like your trainer get a new one.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    I think you should look around and try to find someone cheaper. Or make sure that the $150 is only for one session, maybe it's for more?

    I am so happy with my personal trainer. My gym has several trainers, and the head one met with me and we filled out a questionnaire type thing and talked for close to an hour so he could get a sense of what might work best for me. The trainer he chose is absolutely perfect for me. She met up and helped create a meal plan for me (and when I was having trouble with it and told her, she made modifications that worked better with my lifestyle), she comes up with new, fun workouts for every week that have been based on the stuff I like to do (I love yoga and body weight exercises, so she throws a lot of those in, along with lifting weights), and she will generally text me once a week, during the week, so check in and see how things are going on my own (we meet up Saturday mornings, the rest of the week I do classes and stuff). She's a huge motivator for me, and I'm so thankful that I have a PT as I can totally see where I would have given up by now.

    Also, one thing that helped me realize my trainer is amazing is that I convinced my mom to sign up with her. My mom has high cholesterol (mainly genetics, but changing her diet will help), a bad back, and something weird with her shoulder (I think a bone spur), and is 22 years older than I am. My mom's meal plan was completely different than mine, adjusted for age and dietary concerns and preferences, so I knew she wasn't just using a standardized plan. The workouts that my mom does are also different than mine, less stressful for joints and careful of her weak spots, but they are still intense and my mom actually enjoys them (which is huge, I have never heard her say she enjoys any form of exercise ever).

    I totally think personal training is worth the money for me and my mom, both of us need that extra kick of motivation, and the help with strength training.

    I also think $150 is way too much per session. I pay $55-$45 per session, depending on the package I buy (6 sessions is $55 each, more than 12 sessions is $45).
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Not for $150, that is way too much!

    Honestly I think it depends on your goals, I've seen personal trainers with my gym assist their clients with running on the treadmill, and I don't understand why they are paying for a session to have someone stand awkwardly beside them, seems like a waste. I do however wish it was in the budget for when it comes to the free weight section, but they would have to be good and care about correct form.

    Also, don't take nutritional advice from them unless they can prove they have taken more than nutrition 101, and if you don't like your trainer get a new one.

    For a normal session on the treadmill, yeah, that's insane!

    My current trainer has used the treadmill as part of a workout before. I did like 10 minutes on the treadmill with him changing speed/incline every 60 seconds...then he had me do a minute on the treadmill ( with him controlling speed/incline) then jump off, do a minute of a weight exercise, then jump back on and do another minute of the treadmill...wash, rinse, repeat for like 40 minutes. Then we went and did other stuff for another 20 minutes.
  • CoachDreesTraining
    90% of the time no it's not. cause they usually suck.

    source: I'm a former PT.

    As a current personal trainer, I agree with this. At the same time, if you find that 10% they will be worth much more than $150/hour.

    Just do your research ahead of time.