Should I get a FitBit?

I exercise almost every day, either by running or walking. Sometimes I cycle and once a week I have a dressage lesson.

I'm thinking about getting a Fitbit. Why? Because I really don't know what my true TDEE is and I worry about eating too little or too much. My rate of weight loss is relatively slow since I am not needing to lose very much (< 20 lbs) and my fear is that it will take too long for me to see if I'm at the wrong calorie level. So far, so good but I'm only 3 weeks into this...

Anyways, I'm not really clear on how the FitBit works. For example, is it just a fancy pedometer that calculates calories based on how far and fast you are walking/running? Is it any more accurate than a GPS-app such as MapMyRun?

I also hear it syncs with MFP. In what way?

I love the idea of the wristband one, just not sure if I really need it.


  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    bump...sell me on this thing! :)
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I have the FitBit One and I love it. I never have to log my exercise since it syncs via a wireless connection to a base station with MFP when I am near my computer. If you are lifting weights you will need to log those. For walking/running and biking just keep it in your pocket and your are golden. It tracks TDEE, distance, steps, sleep, altitude (for stairs). You can then use their graphs, charts, etc on their site if you like that kind of thing. I like the ease of tracking, just pop it in my pocket and forget it.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Yep - a super fancy pedometer. But I love mine.

    I find it to be more accurate than RunKeeper who occasionally says I do things like walk 20 miles when in reality it was like 2 because it has a bad GPS signal.

    I never log anything ( as in exercises - I log food) - I just let FitBit do its thing and tell MFP through the sync how active I've been. Can't get any easier than that. I have my activity level set on lightly I think so I don't get the big numbers of exercise calories that I could get if I had it on sedentary - seems more realistic to me that way.

    I have the One because it's more discrete than the Flex (wristband). I think it also has a couple different features than the Flex, but I'm not sure.
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks so much for the info. I am having issues with my GPS smartphone apps that track my exercise. Sometimes they randomly double the calories burned, etc. Then I have to go back and forth between their website and MFP....

    I think I'll add a FitBit to my wishlist.
  • MVarghese418
    MVarghese418 Posts: 25 Member
    I have a fitbit and I love mine, but I am pretty sure it overestimates my calorie burn. I dunno. I bought one (the fitbit one) and use it ever day. Their customer service is great. I had a fitbit ultra that got all wonky on me after like 9 months and they replaced it super quick.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I'm hoping to get one for my birthday this weekend. Ever since I started working out, I'm kind of fascinated with how the human body works and I think it would be really interesting to see what one of these things say about me!
  • Love my fitbit. No wondering how my walking translates to calories burned. Works with MFP. Has been key in helping me understand how nightly walks allow me to eat like a human and still lose weight.
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    Excuse my ignorance here - is a fitbit only for walking and/or running? Or does it log other exercise too?
  • Excuse my ignorance here - is a fitbit only for walking and/or running? Or does it log other exercise too?

    The basic fitbit is just a basic pedometer that counts steps taken. So it's gonna be for walking/jogging/running.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    Sorry for jumping in on this, but I too am thinking about a Fitbit or a better HRM.

    Are the chest straps with the HRM uncomfortable? I need something to keep track better than the one I have now. It's a manual one, you have to manually check your HR and it does not do calories, I need something that will help track calories when working out for example with my XBOX workout games.

    Would a HRM be better, one that tracks calories, or a Fitbit? I'd love both but until I find another job, just ONE will be hard to get.

    I walk mostly and use my XBOX work out games that make me move but usually in the same spot, soccer, boxing, your shape fitness 2012 workout game too. I need something that will help with calories for those activities.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I use a fitbit One and a TomTom Multisport GPS/HRM. The HRM strap takes a little bit of getting used to, but after a few minutes of wearing it you will probably forget it's there. The FitBit is mainly a way to keep myself honest about how active I really am, outside of workouts. I highly recommend this combo.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I use a fitbit One and a TomTom Multisport GPS/HRM. The HRM strap takes a little bit of getting used to, but after a few minutes of wearing it you will probably forget it's there. The FitBit is mainly a way to keep myself honest about how active I really am, outside of workouts. I highly recommend this combo.

    I've had a fitbit ( an ultra, then a ONE) for 15 months now. It is definitely good to be able to see how sedentary you are on your lazy days ( about 6,000 steps yesterday. EEK.) and why you are exhausted on a busy day ( I've had days of 19,000 steps or more).

    It really is just a fancy pedometer, but I love it. I clip it to my bra, and only take it off for showering or charging ( you charge it like once a week). It picks up my movement for elliptical and recumbent bike too. It shows TDEE based on your information you input ( sex, gender, height, weight).

    On Friday I picked up a HRM that calculates calories burned, and I am excited to see how the calorie burns compare.
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    Hi, I just bought a fitbit one this week, but can't work out how to sync it to MFP. Can anyone help? Thanks!
  • I LOVE my Fitbit. It helps motivate me and its fun. But, to be fair and honest, I prefer my heart rate monitor or for serious tracking.

    I like to compete with friends with the Fitbit and love that it syncs with MFP. Its super cool to see who much you ACTUALLY do during the day, or not. Most days I guess at how active I was, and then look, usually I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of steps. I also LOVE that it tracks my sleeps.

    I use my Fitbit for my daily tracking, but take it off to shower and when I do my DVD workouts. Because my DVDs are yoga and also full body circuit training types, I track those with my HRM.

    Good luck with your journey. I hope you like the Fitbit flex as much as I do. Have fun! :happy:
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    Hi, I just bought a fitbit one this week, but can't work out how to sync it to MFP. Can anyone help? Thanks!
    once you have your account all set up with your One syncing there, you just need to go to "Apps" above (on MFP) and find the fitbit app. The rest should be self-explanatory.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    And will it track other things like dance classes, zumba stuff like that?
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    it tracks steps, floors climbed, and estimates distance traveled based on the stride length you enter. It's good at measuring all things cardio. Of course it's an estimate when it comes to calories (like all such things) but it's great to keep you honest about how active you are.

    IMO there are no magical devices to tell you exactly what you need to do, but combine a fitbit with an HRM and you have some good starting data.
  • GFielding_56
    GFielding_56 Posts: 76 Member
    I have a Fitbit one and love it - if I lost it or drowned it I would by another instantly!

    It motivates me to move around more than I would. It is simple and easy to use, I've synced it to MFP and this seems to work quite well. I also use a Heart rate monitor for those occasions that don't involve moving e.g. weights.

    The Fitbit will also compensate if you do log your workout at the same time as your steps e.g. Running 20 mins at 9:00am Fitbit already has logged those steps and will compensate accordingly.

    Since using my Fitbit and MFP I've lost over 2 stones in weight and dropped 2 trouser sizes
  • GFielding_56
    GFielding_56 Posts: 76 Member
    And will it track other things like dance classes, zumba stuff like that?

    If it's movement involving steps yes - it doesn't take into account your 'effort' but will record your steps - the more steps the more calories 'earned'
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I agree with most of what's already been said. I've had a Fitbit One for a couple of months now and find it very good. If I got into serious exercise, and at my age that's not very likely, I'd also get an HRM for that. My only complaint is it can register stuff while driving, but that is fixed by an app called 'Drivebit' which stops false readings. I like the way it calculates the number of floors you have climbed and the sleep monitor both of which put it above a pedometer in my opinion.
  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    I got mine last week and love it! Encourages you to move more
    And has a MFP like community too , also syncs with MFP. I got the fitbit zip for
    $53 on amazon! So worth it
  • kathymford
    kathymford Posts: 20 Member
    What HRM does everyone use? I really won't to get one, but there are so many choices!!
  • fitbit = an item designed to tell you how lazy you have or have not been....

    just make the active choice everytime and save your money for new trainers
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    What HRM does everyone use? I really won't to get one, but there are so many choices!!
    I use a TomTom Multisport GPS/HRM watch. It tracks runs/walks/hikes, swimming, biking, and treadmill. The HRM part can be used for all those activites, except for (I think) swimming. The watch is definitely waterproof, but I don't think the HRM strap is.

    Again, the HRM is just another tool to help you do the work. I like the GPS function more since it lets me map my routes and measure pace, etc. It's also cool to track heart rate at the same time. I take the calorie estimate with a grain of salt, but it gets me in the ballpark.

    I'd rather spend my money on gadgets than trainers, but I'm a geek. I like my data more than I like someone giving me their version of the same workouts I can find all over the 'net :)