Hi I'm Kenzi

Hi I'm Kenzi and im 25f from Texas and I've been overweight most of my life. I've struggled with exercise and all kinds of diets but none seem to work. Until July of this year when a friend of mine sent me a link about the Keto diet. At first I thought it was just another scammy website, but I decided to give it a try. I mean I tried EVERYTHING else, so what could it hurt. So I signed up and got information about the Keto diet and a personalized Keto diet plan. I half heartedly started using the plans and eating the food recipes and I realized that I wasn't hungry afterwords. With all the other diets I seemed to be hungry literally all the time! But for some reason I wasn't at all with this diet. For the first time in a long time, I started to have hope. I actually thought maybe this could work. And once I had the hope, I suddenly had the will to exercise. At first just walking around my neighborhood a few days a week, then walking with friends. After a few weeks I had loss almost 9 lbs. It felt great and I was instantly motivated more. I started going to the gym and doing some cardio workouts. I was sore at first but I felt great afterwards! I kept eating from my customized food plan and exercising, then before you know it I had lost over 20 lbs. Since then I've stuck with my plan and eating the wonderfully tasting food. This is the 4th month I've been on the Keto diet and I've lost an amazing 72 lbs!!! I don't even recognize myself anymore. I wish someone shared this with me years ago! I know there are so many quick weight loss diets out there that never work or that leave you hungry all the time, but this is not one of them. If you would like to look into the Keto diet plan I used, here is the link. https://tinyurl.com/KETOdiet-FASTweightloss This changed my life and it can change yours too.