To Canadians: Canadian Protein 20% off select items for Cyber Monday (Whey Concentrate is A+ Value)

Spadesheart Posts: 463 Member
edited December 2019 in Health and Weight Loss

Canadian Protein has a pretty great cyber Monday deal if you need whey concentrate, which as far as I'm concerned is the best bang for the buck anywhere. This would be 5 kg for $63.22. I can vouch for the product, been using it all year. You get free shipping at $100, but this can be achieved with getting a gift card as well, which I often do.

There are 2 discount codes, one for the am, and one for the pm.

In the am with code CYBERAM you can get 20% off of:

-Creatine Monohydride
-Whey Concentrate
-Micellar Casein
-Mass Gainer
-Intra workout

In the pm with code CYBERPM you can get 20% off of:

-Super greens powder
-Grass fed New Zealand Whey
-Whey Protein Concentrate with Stevia
-Pre Workout
-Vegan Protein Blend
-Vegan BCAA
-100% Premium Whey protein Isolate

This is the best sale I've seen all year personally, so if you're in the market, give it a try!